PUBHHMP 1222 (Spring 2022) updated: 23-Apr-2022 class# (autoenrolls) enrld/limit/+wait PUBHHMP 3610 3271 L W F 1245P-0205 SOE0040 62/80 M.Paul PUBHHMP 3610 3567 L T R 0935A-1055 JE0355 57/80 M.Paul PUBHHMP 6610 3263 L ONLINE 22/40 M.Berman PUBHHMP 6615 3680 L 0/30 PUBHHMP 6625 3681 L ONLINE 13/30 M.Donneyong and F 0500P-0800 ONLINE PUBHHMP 7193 3287 I 1200A-1200 0/10 A.McAlearney PUBHHMP 7193 3288 I 1200A-1200 1/10 S.Schweikhart PUBHHMP 7193 3289 I 1200A-1200 0/10 E.Seiber PUBHHMP 7193 3290 I 1200A-1200 0/10 J.Robbins PUBHHMP 7193 3291 I 1200A-1200 0/10 PUBHHMP 7601 33356 L W F 1245P-0205 CL0133 28/35 E.Seiber PUBHHMP 7611 3264 L T 0530P-0815 CZ0150 26/32 R.Aly, M.Berman and W 0400P-0645 and T 0530P-0815 CZ0150 PUBHHMP 7617 3608 L W 0515P-0800 CZ0140 24/32 R.Fraley and T 0515P-0800 CZ0140 and W 0515P-0800 CZ0140 PUBHHMP 7621 3609 L T R 0935A-1055 CZ0160 20/30 C.Hogan PUBHHMP 7631 3265 L W 0220P-0340 JE0160 25/30 J.Robbins and F 0220P-0340 ONLINE PUBHHMP 7672 3266 L W F 0800A-1115 CZ0330 18/30 {7W2} R.Fraley PUBHHMP 7673 3587 L W F 0935A-1055 CM0251 18/35 {7W1} M.Paul PUBHHMP 7680 3267 L T R 1245P-0205 CZ0140 32/40 S.Schweikhart PUBHHMP 7684 3586 L M 0515P-0800 CZ0150 20/30 J.Robbins PUBHHMP 7699 36673 S 5/5 E.Seiber PUBHHMP 7699 36674 S 4/5 C.Hogan PUBHHMP 7699 3669 S 4/5 J.Hefner PUBHHMP 8899 3612 S 7/5 T.Padamsee INDependent study classes --- 3193 7193 7193/7W2 M.Berman 3615 M.Donneyong 3747 C.Hogan 3695=1 3676=1 T.Huber 3694 A.McAlearney 3287 T.Padamsee 37453=2 3544=3 J.Robbins 3290 S.Schweikhart 3288=1 E.Seiber 3289 A.Wapner 3638 Y.Xu 3639=1 P.Yen 3749 ------------------------- 3193 7193 7193/7W2