brief academic history
2018 -- onward: Henry L. Cox Professor of Physics and Astronomy2017 -- onward: Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy
2011 -- onward: Director of CCAPP
2010 -- onward: Professor
2007 -- 2010: Associate Professor
2004 -- 2007: Assistant Professor
Ohio State University
Department of Physics and Department of Astronomy
Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics (CCAPP)
2000 -- 2004: David N. Schramm Fellow
Theoretical Astrophysics Group
1997 -- 2000: Sherman Fairchild Postdoctoral Scholar
Neutrino Physics Group and Kellogg Radiation Laboratory
1997: Ph.D. Physics
University of Wisconsin
Title: Semiclassical Analysis of Solar Neutrino Data
Advisor: Baha Balantekin
selected recognitions
2017--2018: Fermilab Distinguished ScholarFermilab
2015--2018: Divisional Associate Editor
Physical Review Letters
2013: Fellow of the American Physical Society
nominated by the Division of Nuclear Physics, American Physical Society
2012-2016: Elected to Chair line
Division of Astrophysics, American Physical Society
2009: Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching
Ohio State University
2009: Outstanding Referee (lifetime award)
American Physical Society
2008: Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award
Ohio State University
2005-2010: Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award
National Science Foundation
research interests
My main research interests lie at the intersection of the fields of astrophysics, particle physics, and nuclear physics, concerning mostly neutrinos and the weak interactions. In the past several years, there has been strong growth at this intersection, in part due to new results from the ongoing experiments. With several new and powerful detectors being constructed, much more progress is expected. Much of my work has been focused on providing theoretical input to what can be measured in neutrino experiments and the implications of the results, for both physics and astrophysics. For further information, please see:
To learn about our local effort to find all nearby supernovae, please see the web page for the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN).
Examples of communication to the public about science include my TEDxOhioStateUniversity 2015 talk, my 2017 Science Sundays talk, and my TheConversation article about the 2015 Nobel Prize on neutrinos.
I am available to the press to speak about topics in astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, and space physics. My greatest expertise is on particle and nuclear astrophysics, especially neutrinos, supernovae, gamma rays, and dark matter.