Project 2

Proposals due


Project due


Complex Props

1. Proposal:

Develop a capture scenario for one or more physical objects that translate and rotate. Design a virtual setup, a puppet or an environment that reacts to the mocap data via Motionbuilder constraints.
Describe physical objects (use sketches), props that physically represent them (use photos), tentative motion and 2- 5 motion sequence variations.
Create a prototype Motionbuilder file utilizing one or more constraints that you are planning to use with the captured object.
Present a word document, html page or powerpoint to class during the Proposal review session. Submitproposal and project file documents to Y:\Courses\2017-2018\AC7102_Vita_SP_2018\Project2 using your Group name.

2. Capture sessions:

  1. Bring props.
  2. Attach markers to props.
  3. Using Blade 2, Motionbuilder and the mocap system capture the data.
  4. Transfer the data to the class folder in Project 2 and place it in a folder with your name.

3. Post production, in Motionbuilder:

  1. Edit the data using Filters (Peak Removal and Butterworth) if necessary.
  2. Using constraints attach virtual objects to mocap data and set up relationships between various objects.
  3. Each team member will present their own variation of the planned setup.


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