
Some of the MANY Ways to See/Work with Movement

Classical/Neutonian Mechanics

1. Kinematics -"geometry of motion", study of trajectories, velocity and acceleration.
It requires attaching rigid reference frames to each moving part and looks at their translation and rotation relative to each other.
2. Dynamics/Kinetics - study of forces affecting motion (gravity, friction, torque, etc)
3. Statics - study of systems at rest or moving with constant velocity

Gears, Levers, Joints and Links...(kinematics for mechanical design)

Types of Mechanical Motion and Mechanisms

Biomechanics (principles of mechanics applied to human, animal, plant locomotion, motion of organs, motion of gases and fluids inside and outside a living body and its tissues, stresses affecting the body):

Daniel Wolpert on the real reason for brains

Robert Full on Animal Movement - research at PolyPedal Lab, UC Berkley

Motion of Plants

Biomechanics in Sports



Perception of Motion:

The Vestibular System Endolymph Motion Demonstration

Overview of Studies on Perception of Human Motion

Visual Perception of Motion

Motion Gestalt (Classic/Static Gestalt Principles)

Another classic illustration of gestault visual perception principles


Motion Illusion and Camouflage:


Embodied Cognition

International Society for Gesture Studies

Gesture interaction research at Microsoft

Language and Movement


Movement in Performing Arts:

Physical Theatre:

Comedia del'Arte

Physical Movement and Character Development




Meyerhold's Biomechanics Method


Dance and Choreography

Martha Graham

Philip Decoufle

William Forsythe training method:



Contemporary Choreographic Processes

VR_1: Dance in VR by Gilles Jobin


Disembodying Movement: Transfer, Remapping, Notation, Synthesis

Human Movement Notation: Laban

Kinectic Scultpture:

Theo Jansen   (video)
Arthur Ganson
rube golberg device (OK GO)

Musical Instrument Performance and Conducting:

Work of Kazuaki Shiota
Study of Conductor's Movement


Marionette Control by Emily DeCola
Traditional Chinese Hand Puppets
Japanese Bunraku Puppets

Disney Drone Puppet
Mocap Controlled Robot


Stop Motion by Sumo Sciene at Aardman
Rotoscoping by Disney
Pixar Zoetrope
Sand Animation

Film and Photography

Movement in films of Akira Kurosawa
Ornitographies of Xavi Bou

Human Movement and the Virtual Practices in the Arts:

Synchronous Objects Project

Works of the OpenEndedGroup
Forms by Nexus Productions and process

Remapping of breathing
Remapping of human dance performance movement

Real-time Media Systems for Performance
Kinect based experiences
Eye Motion

Various Motion Galleries:

BBC online motion gallery

CMU Graphics Lab Motion Capture Library

Forces, Environments, Flows and more...

Motion Magnification

Motion of Light

That Game Company

Internal Body Processes, Choreography and Sound

David Eagleman on Time Perception (also check out his Sensory Substition Research) 

Time Flows Uphill For the Remote Papua New Guinea Tribe

Concept of Future and Past in Tuvan Language

Quantum Superposition of a Visible Object

Qualitative Investigation Based on Observation and Abstraction

1. Where in the body/moving entity does movement originate?
2. How does the rest of the moving body/entity support or expand upon it?
3. What are the components/moving parts that create synergy of movement?
4. What makes it possible to register and identify a type of motion?
5. What pattern(s) does this movement make in time?
6. What role expressiveness plays in helping recognize it?
7. What is expressiveness? How does it affect form and temporal pattern?
8. What function does the movement carry or what does it accomlpish?
9. What is the nature of synergy in movement?
10. How can a movement be applied/translated/transfered?
11. How does movement of visual elements support narrative/concept?

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