Kristen Uthus

Curriculum Vitae



Ph.D. in Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, 2001
The Ohio State University

Dissertation title: "The Potential for Introgression of Cultivated Radish (Raphanus sativus) Alleles Into Wild Radish (R. raphanistrum) Populations"

M.S. in Biology, 1992
Virginia Commonwealth University

Thesis title: "Population attributes of four species of shrews in three different aged habitats in the southern Appalachian Mountains"

B.S. in Biology, 1988
Virginia Commonwealth University

Positions Held:

University of Michigan:

Visiting Assistant Professor, Biological Station (UMBS), 2002

Assistant Research Scientist, Center for Great Lakes and Aquatic Sciences, 2001-

Program Coordinator, UMBS, 2000-

Computing Assistant, UMBS: 1998

Research Associate, UMBS, 1997

Graduate Student Instructor, UMBS. 1992-1996

The Ohio State University:

Graduate Student Instructor, 1997-2000

Research Assistant, 1999

Virginia Commonwealth University:

Collateral Faculty (Lecturer), 1993-1997

Research Assistant, 1996

Adjunct Faculty, 1990-1992

Graduate Student Instructor, 1989-1992

J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College:

Adjunct Faculty, 1992-1993

Courses Taught:

University of Michigan:

Introduction to the Natural Sciences: BIO 104 - Spring 2002

Ecology: BIO 381 - Spring 1992-95; Summer 1994,1996, 2002

The Ohio State University (1997-2000)

General Ecology (Lab): ZOO 413 - Fall, Winter 1997; Fall, 1998

Plant Biology (Lab): PB 102 - Spring 1998, 1999, 2000

Virginia Commonwealth University (1989-97):

General Biology I (Lecture): BIO 109 - Fall 1994-1996; Spring 1994-1997

General Biology II (Lecture): BIO 110 - Fall 1993; Spring 1995, 1996

Environmental Science (Recitation): BIO 114 - Spring 1994-1997

Ecology (Lab): BIO L317 - Fall 1993

General Biology Lab: BIO L109 - Fall, 1991

General Biology Lab: BIO L110 - Spring, Fall, 1990; Summer, Fall, 1991

Introduction to Biology Lab (Zoology): BIO L152 - Fall, 1989; Summer, 1990; Spring, Fall, 1991; Spring, 1992

J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College:

General Biology I (Lecture and Lab): BIO 101 - Fall, 1992

General Biology II (Lecture and Lab): BIO 102 - Spring, 1993

Memberships in Professional Organizations:

American Association of University Professors (1994-97)

Virginia Academy of Science (1990-97)

American Society of Mammalogists (1988-1995)

American Institute of Biological Sciences (1989-1992)

Memberships in Honor Societies:

Phi Sigma (1990-1992)

Honors and Awards:

Phi Sigma Graduate Student Award, 1991

Outstanding Graduate Student in Biology, 1992

The Janice Carson Beatley Herbarium Award ($1000, $350), 1998,1999


Sigma Xi Grant-in-aid ($750) 1999


Fies, M. L., J. F. Pagels, H. E. Duval, and K. L. Uthus. Northern flying squirrel investigations. Annual Report 1989-1990. In: Virginia non-game and endangered wildlife investigations. Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. 21-37. 1990.

Pagels, J. F., S. Y. Erdle, K. L. Uthus, and J. C. Mitchell. Small mammal diversity in forested and clearcut habitats in the Virginia piedmont. Virginia Journal of Science, 43:171-176.

Pagels, J. F., K. L. Uthus, and H. E. Duval. The masked shrew, Sorex cinereus, in a relictual habitat in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Advances in the Biology of Shrews (J. F. Merritt, G. L. Kirkland, Jr., and R. K. Rose, eds.). Carnegie Museum of Natural History Special Publication No. 18. Pittsburgh. 103-110. 1994

Jolls, C. L., and K. L. Uthus. Reproductive ecology of Houghton’s goldenrod (Solidago Houghtonii, T. G. ), a Michigan endemic. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin, 41(2). 1994

Jolls, C. L., and K. L. Uthus. Aspects of the reproductive ecology of Houghton’s goldenrod. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. 1994

Chinnici, J. P., R. Perozzi, and K. L. Uthus. Biology: Life on Earth: Test Item File (Fourth ed.). Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle, New Jersey. 1996

Snow, A. A., K. L. Uthus, and T. M. Culley. Fitness of hybrids between weedy and cultivated radish: implications for weed evolution. Ecological Applications 11: 934-943. 2001

Uthus, K. L.., A. A. Snow, and T. M. Culley. Crop-wild hybridization in radish (Raphanus): changes in pollen fertility over time. In prep.

Uthus, K. L. Effects of competition on the relative fitness of wild, F1, and BC1 hybrids of Raphanus raphanistrum x R. sativus. In prep.

Snow, A. A., K. L. Uthus, and N. C. Ellstrand. Persistence of molecular and morphological markers in crop-wild hybrid radish (Raphanus) populations. In prep.

Professional Meetings Attended with Papers Presented:

Pagels, J. F., H. E. Duval, and K. L. Uthus. The masked shrew, Sorex cinereus, in a relictual habitat in the southern Appalachian Mountains. International Colloquium: The Biology of the Soricidae. Rector, Pennsylvania. 1990.

Pagels, J. F., S. Y. Erdle, K. L. Uthus, and J. C. Mitchell. Small mammal diversity in forested and clearcut habitats in the Piedmont of Virginia. Virginia Academy of Science. Blacksburg, Virginia. 1991.

Uthus, K. L., J. F. Pagels, and B. R. Flamm. Population attributes of three species of shrews in three different aged habitats in the southern Appalachian Mountains. American Society of Mammalogists. Salt Lake City, Utah. 1992.

Uthus, K. L., T. M. Culley, and A. A. Snow. Introgression of crop genes in experimental populations of wild radish. Ecological Society of America. Baltimore, MD. 1998.

Uthus, K. L., and A. A. Snow. The effect of competition on the fitness of F1 and BC1 progeny of wild and cultivated radish (Raphanus raphanistrum x R. sativus). Ecological Society of America. Madison, WI. 2001.

Additional Scientific Meetings Attended:

Virginia Academy of Science. George Mason University. Fairfax, Virginia. 1990.

American Society of Mammalogists. Frostburg State University. Frostburg, Maryland. 1990.

American Society of Mammalogists. Kansas State University. Manhattan, Kansas. 1991.


Committee for restructuring of introductory biology (1996)

Personnel and Awards Committee (1993-1996)

Subcommittee for writing departmental bylaws (1995)

Tenure Review Committee: Dr. Greg C. Garman (1991)


President, University of Michigan Biological Station Alumni Association (2000-

Vice President, University of Michigan Biological Station Alumni Association (1999-2000)

Consultant on NSF-funded program for improvement of science teacher education (1997)

Reviewer for Biology: Life on Earth (4th ed.; Prentice Hall, Inc., 1996)

Faculty participant in the Freshman Interest Groups (FIGs) program (Fall 1996)

Faculty participant in Supplemental Instruction (SI) pilot program (1994-1996) funded by SCHEV grant for Excellence in Education

Attended seminar on Science and Technology in the Classroom (Spring 1995)

Attended Conference on Teaching in Large Classrooms (Fall 1995)

Substitute Teacher, Henrico County Public Schools, 1992-1993

Board Substitute in Earth Science, Varina High School, December 1992-January 1993

Science Fair Judge, Varina High School, 1993, Goochland Elementary School, 1992

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Last Updated:  April 14, 2010