Sarena Sarena M. Selbo



The Ohio State University
Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology
MS in Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology

Thesis:  "Hybridization between native and introduced populations of cattail and big bluestem: Conservation implications."

1995- 1999
University of North Dakota
BS in Biology and Honors with a minor in Chemistry

Abstracts & Presentations

Selbo, S. M. and A. A. Snow. 2002.  Flowering phenology and genetic diversity in native prairie vs. "restored" conservation grasslands in Ohio.  Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Snow, A. A., D. Pilson, L. H. Rieseberg, M. Paulsen, N. Pleskac, M. Reagon, S. M. Selbo, and D. Wolfe. 2002.  A Bt transgene reduces herbivory and enhances fecundity in field populations of BC1 common sunflower (Helianthus annuus).  Meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Selbo, S. M. and A. A. Snow. 2001. Cattail phenology and hybrid incidence at the Olentangy River Wetlands Research Park. Meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science.

Selbo, S. M and J. L. Windus. 2001. Impacts of invasive plants on Ohio's natural areas. Ohio Fish & Wildlife Conference.

Mattson, S. M. and J. S. Carmichael. 1998. Reproductive biology of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.): pollen tube pathway and breeding system analysis. American Journal of Botany 85  (presented at 1998 annual meeting of AIBS).                                                                        

Carmichael, J. S. and S. M. Mattson. 1998. Ovule, embryo, and endosperm development in leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.). American Journal of Botany 85 (presented at 1998 annual meeting of AIBS).


A. A. Snow, D. Pilson, L. H. Rieseberg, M. Paulsen, N. Pleskac, M. R. Reagon, D. E. Wolf, and S. M. Selbo. 2002. A Bt transgene reduces herbivory and enhances fecundity in wild sunflowers. Ecological Applications (in press).

Cochrane, K., J. Johnson, C. Morrow and S. M. Selbo. 2000. Invasive Plants of Ohio: A series of fact sheets describing the most invasive plants in Ohio's natural areas. M. Kromer and J. Windus (eds.). Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

Selbo, S. M. and J. S. Carmichael. 1999. Breeding system analysis of the invasive plant leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.). Canadian Journal of Botany. 77: 1684-1688.

Carmichael, J.S. and S.M. Selbo. 1999. Ovule, embryo sac, embryo, endosperm development in leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula). Canadian Journal of Botany. 77: 599-610.

Senior Honors Thesis entitled, "Invasive plants and the reproductive biology of leafy spurge." 1999.

Work Experience

Plant Ecologist
Ecological Services
US Fish & Wildlife Service

Teaching Associate The Ohio State University
Introductory Plant Biology
Introductory Biology (non-majors)
Ecology (upper level)
Local Flora

Natural Areas & Preserves
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Research Associate for Allison Snow
The Ohio State Univeristy

Teaching Assistant for Introductory Biology Labs
University of North Dakota

Teaching Assistant for Honors Section of Intro Biology Lab
University of North Dakota 

Honors and Awards

Summer 2002
OSU Professional Development Fund

Summer 2000
Janis Beatley Herbarium Awards

Howard Hughes Undergraduate Research Fellowship

Spring 1999
Roger Denison Research Award

Spring 1999
Outstanding Undergraduate Honors Thesis Presentation

Summer 1998
EPSCoR Advanced Undergraduate Research Assistantship

Lab Home

Last Updated: February 15, 2003