Correlation Clustering



This is the software for [ElsnerSchudy09]. It contains software for creating, analyzing and solving correlation clustering problems.


Our code is available under the terms of the GPL version 2.0 or later. In addition, as a special exception, we also give permission to link our code with linear programming and semi-definite programming solvers regardless of the licenses of such solvers. When exercising your distribution rights under the GPL you need not include the source code for such solvers. Note that people who make modified versions of our code are not obligated to grant this special exception for their modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GPL gives permission to release a modified version without this exception; this exception also makes it possible to release a modified version which carries forward this exception.

Before distributing binaries please ensure that you do not violate the licenses of any LP or SDP solvers that you link against; two examples follow. The CPLEX license presumably does not allow distribution of binaries containing CPLEX. The ConicBundle is licensed under the GPL without the above exception, therefore only distribute binaries containing ConicBundle if all solvers linked with are GPL compatible.

We are not lawyers and this is not legal advice.

Downloading and compiling

First download the clustering.tgz tarball from and "tar xzf" it, yielding the correlation directory.

The executable that actually does the clustering, chainedSolvers, is written in C++. See the C++ building section of this manual for building instructions, or pray and then run the following:

cd correlation
mkdir bin32
mkdir lib32
make chainedSolvers

Our support code that does everything else, such as evaluating a clustering, generating artificial data, and visualization, is written in Python. Please set your python path to include all necessary packages (notably the waterworks utility library and pylab). Also edit the script script/ to point to the correct megam binary.

External Software

Some features of this software require external packages. You can do without most of these packages if you are willing to forgo various features of the software:

[waterworks] : David McClosky and others (python utility package, including ClusterMetrics library for evaluating clusterings)

pylab plotting library, which in turn needs [matplotlib] (plotting)

[megam] : Hal Daume III (max-ent classifier)

python package for disentangling [chat] : Micha Elsner

[CPLEX] : ILOG Inc. (solves LP and ILP problems)

[DSDP] : Benson, Ye and Zhang (solves SDPs)

[ConicBundle] : Christoph Helmberg (solves SDPs) We used version 0.2i of Conic Bundle.


Program descriptions below only show the most useful features. To get a usage message, try running the program without arguments, or with the flag -h.

In general (but not always, thanks CPLEX!), programs write the output of their computation to stdout and everything else (debugging notes, iteration tickers, bonus information) to stderr. Most of the time you will want to use the output redirect >.

Making data

Making Artificial Points

A dataset is essentially a vector of points and their cluster labels, in the format:

[label] [feat val]*

label determines the cluster to which the point belongs, and is a positive integer. feat can be any string, and val is a real number.

Each datafile usually contains two sections, one for training and one for testing, separated by a newline.

There are two primary ways to make artificial datasets: featureless data (just cluster labels) and Gaussian data (points drawn from spherical clusters). Both methods pick the number of clusters and cluster sizes stochastically (some parameters of the distributions are controlled by command line arguments).

To get featureless points, use:

python script/ -n [number of points]

The generative model for featureless points is:

n (number of points) ~ command line
k (number of clusters) ~ command line | log_1.5(n)
alpha (prior parameter) ~ command line | 1
p (k-dimensional vector of cluster probabilities) ~ Dirichlet(alpha) | uniform if command line parameter "balanced"
z (number of points in each cluster) ~ Multinomial(p, n)

To get Gaussian points, use:

python script/ -n [number of points] -t [number of training points] -f [number of features]

The generative model for Gaussian points is:

z (number of points in each cluster) ~ same as featureless
f (number of features) ~ command line | 1
vv (optional parameter controlling feature variances) ~ command line
sigma (k*f matrix of variances of each cluster) ~ command line | InverseGamma(vv, 1)
mu (k*f matrix of means of each cluster) ~ Gaussian(0, sigma)
F[i,j] (feature j of point i in cluster k_i) ~ Gaussian(mu[k_i,j], sigma[k_i,j])

To make a clustering with all clusters of size 1, use

python script/ -n [number of points]

Making Artificial Weight Matrices

To make a weight matrix, you first need to generate the points as described in the previous section. Then you need to run a classifier.

We provide three classifiers for general experimentation. To find the names of the classifiers to use as -c arguments, run the script with -a; it will print a list.

Our first classifier makes random errors. This is sometimes a useful algorithmic model (and has been studied theoretically: see the paper). This is also the only classifier which does anything useful with featureless synthetic points. You can set the parameters epsilon, A and B via command line options (the flag --simple creates a 0-1 instance where A and B are ignored).

True state Classifier decision
Same cluster with p(1 - epsilon) Beta(A,B)
with p(epsilon) Beta(B,A)
Diff cluster with p(1 - epsilon) Beta(B,A)
with p(epsilon) Beta(A,B)

The other two classifiers actually learn models from the data, and require points with features. The first (Naive Bayes) assumes all features are independent samples from Gaussians, and learns Gaussian distributions on the differences of features for within-class and cross-class instances. The second (Max Ent) learns a logistic regression on feature differences instead.

python script/ -c [classifier] [data file]

The stderr stream output will look like this:

test classifier performance
P: 85.71 R: 100.00 F: 92.31 Acc: 90 (9/10)

Here P is precision of same cluster class (number of correct same cluster decisions / number of same cluster decisions), R is recall (number of correct same cluster decisions / number of true same cluster edges), F is F-score (geometric mean of P and R), Acc is accuracy (number correct / number of edges). In particular, watch out for values like F = 0, Acc = .9: this means that the classifier is useless-- it will always say different cluster, but since that's usually the correct decision, accuracy is misleadingly high.

Making the Twenty Newsgroups Weight Matrices

The best way to get the newsgroup weight matrices we used is directly off the web, at We are providing our newsgroup processing code in order to make our work replicable, not because it is particularly general, elegant or effective.

If you are insistent on actually running the newsgroup code, first you have to actually get the [mini_newsgroups] dataset from the UCI machine learning repository.

Next, edit script/, setting the path to your newsgroup directory and a filename for the term frequency dump file which the script will create. Run the script:

python script/

Now edit script/ and set the same path to the dump file. Also set a path to an empty directory where the program will dump the data files. This program will transform the newsgroup data into data files with integer cluster labels and term/count features, and create five training/testing splits of the data.

python script/

Now comes the really ugly part; we did the Latent Semantic Analysis decomposition by hand, in Matlab. There are plenty of ways to reimplement this using any linear algebra package, though.

Here's what we did: use script/ to write each data matrix into a Matlab sparse matrix file. Now use Matlab to import the file. Run the following Matlab commands:

[u, s, v] = svds(mat, 200)
save '<lsa-filename>' -ascii u

Now add these features back to the original dataset using:

python script/ [original dataset] [lsa-filename] > [augmented file]

Finally, you can run the newsgroup classifier:

python script/ -c mxnews [lsa-augmented file]

Making the Chat Weight Matrices

Make sure you have a copy of the chat disentanglement package ([chat]). Follow the instructions to create a set of predictions for your dataset (eg, using classifierTest). Now use:

python script/ [chat file] [predictions file] [keys file] [output true labels] [output weight matrix]

Note that the "true labels" file will contain a fake training section with a single point.

Viewing Weight Matrices

To view a weight matrix such as one output by, use

python script/ [matrix file]

The matrix is color-coded. Red indicates 1, i.e. the classifier believes the points belong in the same cluster with 100 percent probability. Blue indicates 0, i.e. the points definitely belong in different clusters.

This utility can also be used to view the output of the "print" command in chainedSolvers.

You can also view the weight matrix and a clustering solution all at once, by running:

python script/ [matrix file] [solution file]

The solution file can be the original datafile from which the weight matrix was produced, or the clustering provided by one of our solvers. The display puts the weights in the upper triangle of the matrix, and the solution in the lower triangle.

Finding Clusterings


Our Makefile has been tested on our x86 Debian GNU/Linux systems only. Use on other platforms may require changes to the Makefile. The Makefile automatically identifies whether the machine compiled on is 32 or 64 bit.

Our code supports two SDP solvers, DSDP and Conic Bundle, and one LP solver, CPLEX. Without those solvers our code will still compile and run, but LP and SDP based lower bounds will not be available. If you have installed one or more of these solvers and wish to use them, set the appropriate directories as documented in the Makefile.

Before building create a bin32 directory and a lib32 directory (or 64-bit equivalents). For convenience, it's nice to symlink bin to bin32.

To make a binary such as chainedSolvers, go to the main directory and "make chainedSolvers". The binary will be placed in the bin32 or bin64 directory as appropriate.

All these tools basically take a matrix file as input and write a vector of cluster indices to stdout.

Using Our Recommended Solver

You can run the heuristic we recommend in the paper in the following way:

bin/chainedSolvers log vote boem [matrix] > [solution]

In our experiments, we do this 100 times, check the objective values, and take the best (lowest) objective.

Chained Solvers

You can run a long sequence of solvers (for instance, to solve an SDP and then round the solution to integrality) using the chainedSolvers program. Most of the solvers treat the output of the previous solver as if it were the input matrix. The local search solvers BOEM and simulated annealing act differently, treating the output of the previous solver as an initial clustering to improve. The local search solvers use one huge cluster as the initial clustering if run as the first solver.

bin/chainedSolvers [solver_1..solver_n] [matrix]

To preprocess the edge weights by taking logarithms, add "log" as the first argument to chainedSolvers. (Actually you can hide "log" in the middle of the solver list if you want to accomplish the same thing with extra confusion.)

For instance, to run SDP, round with voting, and improve the solution with best one-element, use:

bin/chainedSolvers log sdp2 vote boem [matrix]

Here is a full list of solver names. The few most useful ones are highlighted, although you may want to experiment with the others as well. See the paper for details on how they work.

  • first : The Soon first greedy algorithm, run on a random permutation.
  • best : the Ng-Cardie best greedy algorithm.
  • vote : the vote greedy algorithm.
  • pivot : the Ailon et al pivot greedy algorithm.
  • first-id : the first algorithm, run on the identity permutation. (This is useful for datasets with a non-arbitrary order, such as chat transcripts. For datasets like 20 newsgroups, or artificial datasets made with our tools, where points are ordered based on their true labels, it's cheating.)
  • best-id : best algorithm run on identity permutation.
  • vote-id : vote algorithm run on identity permutation.
  • pivot-id : pivot algorithm run on identity permutation.
  • lp : linear programming bound, solved with CPLEX.
  • lazylp : linear programming bound; transitivity constraints added lazily (that is, only if violated; a type of cutting plane method). This is typically much more scalable than lp, although for difficult instances, nearly all the constraints are eventually added and the difference disappears.
  • ilp : integer linear programming to find the exact solution with CPLEX.
  • lazyilp : ILP with transitivity constraints added lazily. Also works better than ilp.
  • sdp : the semidefinite program, solved with DSDP. Not amazingly scalable. See sdp2.
  • sdp_nnc : the semidefinite program without non-negativity constraints. Not recommended.
  • lazysdp : the SDP with lazy constraint addition, solved with DSDP. Still not all that scalable.
  • sumsdp : the SDP, with a special kind of lazily added non-negativity constraints; the sum of all the negative vectors at a step is constrained to be positive. This didn't work out experimentally.
  • sdp2 : the semidefinite program, solved with ConicBundle. Our recommended SDP implementation. To change the maximum runtime, edit the code and set the maxHours variable.
  • sdp2l : same as sdp2 with lazy addition of non-negativity constraints. Yields a better bound initially but slows eventual convergence.
  • sdp2t : same as sdp2 with lazily added triangle inequality constraints. This improves the bound for small instances (a few hundred nodes) but is slower than solving the full SDP so doesn't scale to large instances.
  • sdp2lt : same as sdp2 with lazy non-negativity constraints and triangle constraints.
  • boem : the best-one-element local greedy search.
  • sa : simulated annealing local search.
  • stats : prints some objective and bounding information about the input and current solution.
  • print : writes the current solution to the (hardcoded) file clustering.mat. This is a cheap way to save an expensive solution computed with SDP and LP to experiment with rounding methods, or to view with colorMat.
  • read : reads in a solution from a (hardcoded) file clustering.mat.


The chainedSolvers application automatically prints objective function values after each solution step for ease of debugging. To evaluate a solution against the ground truth, run:

python script/ [data] [matrix] [output_1 .. output_n]

(The output files should be vectors of node indices. Make sure these files don't contain log statements from CPLEX or something.)

The output will look something like this:

True clustering has 2 clusters
Objective value of truth: 2.44759404055
Best Rand:
File: data/featureless1/gpivot6
Clusters: 2
Objective: 2.45
Objective (log): -18

Some edge-counting metrics:
Rand index (max 1): 1
Jaccard index (max 1): 1
Mirkin metric (min 0): 0
(Same cluster) Prec: 1 Rec: 1 F: 1

Some node-counting metrics:
One-to-one match (max 1): 1
Many-to-one match (max 1): 1
Variation of information (min 0, max 2.32): 0
Normalized mutual information (0-1): 1

For definitions of the metrics used, see the pydoc for the ClusterMetrics package. Most of the metrics are defined in [Meila99].


[ElsnerSchudy09]Micha Elsner and Warren Schudy. "Bounding and Comparing Methods for Correlation Clustering Beyond ILP". ILP-NLP '09.
[Meila99]Marina Meila. "Comparing Clusterings". UW Statistics Technical Reports, COLT '03.
[megam]Hal Daume III. Paper at, program at
[chat](1, 2) Paper: Micha Elsner and Eugene Charniak. "You Talking To Me? A Corpus and Algorithm for Conversation Disentanglement". ACL '08. Software:
[DSDP]Steven J. Benson, Yinyu Ye and Xiong Zhang. "DSDP5: Software For Semidefinite Programming". Tech report, 2005. Software:
[ConicBundle]Christoph Helmberg. "Semidefinite programming for combinatorial optimization". Tech report, 2000.