c-----------------------------------------------------------c c commgq initializes commonly used subroutines c c last revision: 02-13-91 by jch c c-----------------------------------------------------------c subroutine commgq implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) c6 implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension ph(48),wh(48),whln(48),zh(48) dimension pl(48),wl(48) dimension ah(7),bh(12) common/list5/dinfnu common/list6/ph,wh,zh,whln common/list7/pl,wl common/list8/zero,zsr,zlog,zln common/list9/sr2,pi,srpi,pib2 common/list10/iin,iout,iouti common/list12/ah,bh c ------------------------------------------------------- c input output units c iin = unit number for input c iout = unit number for output of results c iouti = unit number for interactive output of prompts c c ohio state university systems notes: c c terminal input output: c c ibm 3081 / wylbur iin = 5 iout = 6 iouti = 6 c ibm 4341 / cms iin = 5 iout = 6 iouti = 6 c dec 20 / tops 20 iin = 5 iout = 5 iouti = 5 c c ------------------------------------------------------- iin=5 iout=6 iouti=6 c -------------------------- c machine underflow: 1.0d-37 c -------------------------- zero=1.0d-37 zsr=dsqrt(zero) zlog=dlog10(zero) zln=dlog(zero) c ------------------------- c machine overflow: 1.0d+37 c ------------------------- big=1.0d+37 c ------------------------- c frequently used constants c ------------------------- sr2=dsqrt(2.0d0) pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288d+00 srpi=dsqrt(pi) pib2=0.5d0*pi c ------------------------------- c set constants for gauss-hermite c ------------------------------- call ghcn48 c -------------------------------- c set constants for gauss-legendre c -------------------------------- call glcn48 c ---------------------- c set constants for ncdf c ---------------------- call ndfcon c -------------------------------- c infinite degrees of freedom: 240 c -------------------------------- dinfnu=240.d0 c return end c