Arts & Sciences 1138.03: Freshman Seminar
The Wave Nature of the Universe

Your work in the course will be evaluated on the criteria described below. A total of 75% is necessary to attain a Satisfactory grade in this class.
Attendance 45%
Participation 30%
One Short Paper 25%
Extra Credit Hologram 10%

Attendance (45%): Attendance at all lectures is required. You are allowed by the University 10% rule to have 1 unexcused absence. You receive 3.75% of you attendance grade for each day you attend class. By the University 30% rule you will not receive a passing grade if you miss 4 or more classes.

Participation (30%): Your contribution to the class discussion during the semester is important to making the class interesting and informative. You will receive credit for each question you ask during class.

Short Paper (25%): Papers will be based on the ideas being discussed throughout the semester. Your paper will be written in scientific format and must include your data and a graph.

Extr Credit Hologram (10%): If time permits you may have the option to gain extra credit by making a reflection hologram.