Larry Lieberman

11 x 14 inches
Back lit reflection transfer

Buddha, the hologram I produced before the wrath began, is very special to me now. It symbolizes my surrendering to the Buddha and all that came before and after him to bring light to us all. “

          I am not the first Buddha who came upon this earth, nor shall I be the last. In due time another           Buddha will arise in the world, a holy one, a supremely enlightened one, endowed with wisdom           in conduct, auspicious knowing the universe, an incomparable leader of man, a Master of angels           and mortals. Buddha

Larry Lieberman specializes in full color reflection holography. He has written extensive articles on holography with publications in Leonardo Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Science and Technology, and the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). His exhibitions include Sterling Gallery, FL, Tutweiler Fine Arts, FL, Korean Computer Expo, Seoul, Korea and Obra Social y Cultural de la Caja de Asturias, Spain. He worked with holography as an undergraduate at OSU in the late 1970's and received a BFA degree from OSU in 1977. He studied holography with Dr. T.H. Jeong of Lake Forest College in 1977 and was part of the team, which developed the holographic laser optical printer with Lloyd Cross. He founded the Holographic Research Lab in Columbus, OH in 1978, Holographic Images Inc. in Miami Beach FL in 1982 and Larry Lieberman Holography in 1996. He is presently a founding member of H-Space Inc.
