Assignment 5: Animation and Sound

Construct an object which makes use of the animation and sound concepts and techniques discussed in class.

Your total initial download should be less than 150k (hopefully much less). You can download more on the fly stealthily via triggers and inlines, but everything initially visible should appear in the first 150k. Your frame rate should stay firmly above 15 fps at all times. Your grade will be based on visual complexity, file size, frame rate, novel use of nodes, effort, and degree of awe.

Additionally, the following issues should be considered:

Hand in your assignment (and all associated files) in mlewis/HTML/VRML/Class/2002, in the subdirectory with your username, in the directory Hw5. Create a web page called hw5.html that shows your vrml environment. Pay attention to capitalization in file and directory names. Test the link from the student work web page and make sure there are no problems. Make sure your vrml file will work correctly on the machine we will be using in class.

Due date: 3/5, before class.
