Cylinder Sensor

(from The Annotated VRML 2.0 Reference Manual)

#VRML V2.0 utf8
Group {
    children [
        # The target object to be rotated needs three extra Transforms.
        # Two are used to rotate the local coordinate system, and
        # two are used as the targets for the sensors (T1 and T3).
        DEF T1 Transform { children
            Transform { rotation 0 0 1 -1.57 children
                DEF T2 Transform { children
                    Transform { rotation 0 0 1 1.57 children
                        Shape {
                            appearance DEF A1 Appearance {
                                material Material { diffuseColor 1 1 1 }
                            geometry Cone { bottomRadius 2 height 4 }
        Transform {     # left crank - rotates about Y axis => T1
            translation -1 0 3
            rotation 0 0 1 -1.57
            children [
                DEF T3 Transform { children
                    DEF G1 Group { children [
                        Transform {
                            rotation 0 0 1 1.57
                            translation -.5 0 0
                            children Shape {
                                appearance USE A1
                                geometry Cylinder { radius .1 height 1 }
                        Transform {
                            rotation 0 0 1 1.57
                            translation -1 0 0
                            children Shape {
                                geometry Sphere { radius .2 }
				appearance USE A1
                    ]} # end Group
                DEF CS1 CylinderSensor {
                    maxAngle 1.57
		    minAngle 0           
        Transform {     # right crank - rotates about X-axis => T2
            translation 1 0 3
            rotation 0 0 1 -1.57
            children [
                DEF T4 Transform { children USE G1 }
                DEF CS2 CylinderSensor {
                    maxAngle 1.57
		    minAngle 0           
        Transform {               # housing to hold cranks
            translation 0 0 3
            children Shape {
                geometry Box { size 3 0.5 0.5 }
                appearance USE A1
        Background { skyColor 1 1 1 }
ROUTE CS1.rotation_changed TO T1.rotation  # rotates about Y-axis
ROUTE CS1.rotation_changed TO T3.rotation  # rotates the crank handle
ROUTE CS2.rotation_changed TO T2.rotation  # rotates about local X-axis
ROUTE CS2.rotation_changed TO T4.rotation  # rotates the crank handle
