Random Interaction

#VRML V2.0 utf8

NavigationInfo { type "EXAMINE" }

DEF ROOT Group {
   children [
      Group {
	 children [
	    DEF TOUCH TouchSensor {}
	    Shape {
	       appearance Appearance { material DEF MAT Material {} }
	       geometry Sphere {}

Sound { 
   spatialize FALSE minFront 100 maxFront 100 minBack 100 maxBack 100
   source DEF CLIP AudioClip { url "Sounds/drm_snare.wav" } 

   directOutput TRUE
   eventIn SFBool clicked
   eventOut MFNode newNodes
   field SFNode mat USE MAT
   field SFNode clip USE CLIP
   url "vrmlscript:

function clicked(val, ts) {
   if(val) {
      choice = Math.random() * 3;

      // create a randomly placed box
      if(choice < 1) {
	 size = 8;
	 halfsize = size / 2.0;
	 x = Math.random() * size - halfsize;
	 y = Math.random() * size - halfsize;
	 z = Math.random() * size - halfsize;
	 newNodes = Browser.createVrmlFromString('Transform {' +
						 '  translation ' + x + ' ' + y + ' ' + z +
						 '  children Shape {' +
						 '    appearance Appearance {' +
						 '      material Material {}' +
					         '    }' +
						 '    geometry Box { size 1 1 1 }' +
						 '  }' +
      // change the sphere's color
      else if(choice < 2) {
	 mat.diffuseColor = new SFColor(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random());
      // play an audio clip
      else {
	 clip.stopTime = 0;
	 clip.startTime = ts+.5;


ROUTE TOUCH.isActive TO SCRIPT.clicked
ROUTE SCRIPT.newNodes TO ROOT.addChildren
