
Latest news:

Conference webpage:
Please visit the Misc link for some photos (slowly being put on the web), announcements for future conferences and other interesting items..


Conference webpage:
The programs and abstracts for both sessions are posted now.


Registration is now closed for abstracts. For non-talk registration you can still use the online registration form; contact your session organizer for other details (e.g. banquet participation).


Conference webpage:
Hotel information is updated, a new hotel is added to the list (a number of rooms are blocked for participants to the Denison conference).


More info:

Banquet costs will be $30 per participant. Please pay this on Friday, May 21, at the conference registration desk.

All rooms have overhead and video projector (bring your own laptop).


Conference Coordinator
- Ákos Seress
Group Theory
- Robert Morse
- Russell Blyth
Theory of Rings and Modules
- S. K. Jain
- S. Tariq Rizvi
- Cosmin Roman

- Cosmin Roman

XXXth Ohio State-Denison Mathematics Conference

The 30th Ohio State - Denison Mathematics Conference will be held at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. The conference is supported by the Mathematics Research Institute at the Ohio State University - Columbus and the Ohio State University at Lima. The Conference will have sessions on Group Theory and on Theory of Rings and Modules.

NEW! The sessions for both Group Theory and Ring Theory will begin on Friday, May 21 around 1 PM and end on Sunday, May 23 around 12:30 PM. As usual, each talk will be of 20 minute length followed by 10 minutes for questions, comments and any discussion. The detailed program, as well as all submitted abstracts, are now posted; click the links on the left. If a speaker has specific needs for time/day to speak, please contact the organizer of your session as soon as possible.

As in the past, there is no registration fee; it will, though, be helpful if participants will fill out the online registration form. For email addresses of organizers, as well as webmaster's, click on the appropriate link on the right. We are looking forward to seeing you in Columbus this May!