The Franks Casket:
A Tribute to the Founding and Destiny of England

J. Huston McCulloch

As of July 18, 2019, I have taken down the text of this page on the Franks Casket, in anticipation of submitting a major revision with a similar title to an academic journal. When and if it is published, I will announce that here. Meanwhile I have left the figures for your enjoyment.

Figure 1. The Franks Casket
Photo Michel Wal
Click on images for links to more detailed photos

Right Side

Figure 2. Right side
Photo courtesy Bargello Museum, Florence

Figure 3. Detail of Right Side
Photo courtesy Bargello Museum


Figure 4. Lid
© Trustees of the British Museum

Left Panel

Figure 5. Left Panel
© Trustees of the British Museum


Figure 6. Rear Panel
© Trustees of the British Museum


Figure 7. Front Panel
© Trustees of the British Museum

The Bargello Panel

Figure 8. The Bargello Panel
Photo J. Huston McCulloch

Even though the bulk of the Franks Casket has a place of honor in the British Museum, its most important panel lies, neglected, at the back of a lower shelf in the Bargello Museum in Florence. The above photograph was taken looking down through the side of its case, but it is impossible to view the panel directly. Most visitors would take no notice of it. The panel is in the room above the sculpture gallery, but unfortunately, this room is only open to the public during the tourist season.

The cast in the British Museum is better than nothing, but it is decidedly inferior to the original. Compare Figures 2 and 3 above to the cast at

Perhaps one day the British Museum will acquire this unique tribute to the founding of England, and will reunite it with the other four panels.

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