Forms for Pre-Registration and Dormitory Reservation


Pre-registration is highly encouraged with a special rate for those prepaying on or before May 15, 1996.
No registrations will be processed after June 3, 1996.
Cancellations must be made in writing by June 5.

Dormitory Reservation

The Ohio State Dormitories have adopted a reduced rate for those prepaying their accommodations by May 15, 1996. The prepayment and regular dormitory rates are indicated on the registration forms.

Pre-registration forms and Dormitory reservation forms are available by FTP in ASCII, PostScript, WordPerfect6.0, WordPerfect5.1 and device independent latex printer output.

LIABILITY: The Symposium fees DO NOT include provisions for the insurance of participants against personal injuries, sickness, theft or property damage. Participants and companions are advised to take whatever insurance they consider necessary. Neither the Symposium organizing committee, its sponsors, nor individual committee members assume any responsibility for loss, injury, sickenss, or damages to persons or belongings, however caused. Persons wishing information on travel insurance while in the USA should contact private carriers.

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Last Update: Tue Apr 3 1996 by SIP