
Parking permits are available only from the check-in desk at Drackett Tower (F). Due to construction in the Tuttle-Woodruff parking lot, these permits allow you to park in the student parking lot across from Drackett and the St. John Arena parking lot. The permit must be displayed on the front windshield of your car. NOTE that Neil Avenue is closed from Lane Avenue to Woodruff. Please follow all traffic rules to avoid the issuance of tickets.

If you usually park in front of Drackett to check in and unload, from High Steet you will need to turn west on Woodruff, north at Curl Drive and circle around to the front of Drackett. Or if you are coming from Route 315, you can turn from Lane Avenue south on Tuttle Park, east on Woodruff and north on Curl Drive.

Let me know if this is more confusing than helpful.

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Last Update: Tue May 7 1996 by SIP