
REMY JOST, M. JOYEUX AND D. SUGNY, Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Physique,
Université J. Fourier--Grenoble I, B.P. 87 -- 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex, FRANCE; G. MICHALSKI AND M. THIEMENS, University of California, San Diego La Jolla Ca USA.

We have measured the dissociation threshold energy, D0, (NO2 + h nu rightarrow NO(2 Pi1/2) + O(3P2)) of the six NO2 isotopologues made with 14N or 15N and 16O or 18O isotopes. These NO2 isotopologues are cooled in a Helium supersonic jet at Trot~ 2K. For each isotopologue, the very dense set of bound N=1\:K=0 rovibronic eigenstates is readily observed by LIF up to D0. Above D0, the LIF signal disappear abruptly, within \pm 0.03 cm-1 which is the average spacing between observed R0 lines just below D0. Note that resonances (lifetime ~ 10-10 sec.) located above D0 can be observed in absorption (by CRDS) but no fluorescence can be detected from these. The six measured D0 range from 25128.56 cm-1 for 16O14N16O, noted (646), to 25171.80 cm-1 for (858). At the B.O. approximation, these six D0 should have a common De. The shifts between these six D0 are due to the ZPE shifts of NO2 and NO. We have used and check the following relation:

D0(xOyNzO)=De(NO2)+ZPE (yNzO)-ZPE(xOyNzO)

The ZPEs of the various NO and NO2 isotopologues have been determined from Dunham parameters and, for NO2, also by Canonical Perturbation Theory (CPT) using two PESs of NO2. The NO2 ZPE isotopologue shifts are estimated to be within 0.5 cm-1. The uncertainties on ZPE of NO are significantly smaller. The six values of De are located within 0.5 cm-1 around 26051.17 cm-1, in agreement with the ZPE uncertainties.