
A. R. W. MCKELLAR, Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada.

Infrared spectra of weakly-bound CO2-H2 complexes have been studied in the region of the CO2 nu3 asymmetric stretch, using a tunable diode laser probe and a pulsed supersonic jet expansion. For CO2-paraH2, results were obtained for three isotopic species, 12C16O2, 13C16O2, and 12C18O2. These spectra were analyzed using an asymmetric rotor Hamiltonian, with results that resembled those obtained previously for OCS- and N2O-paraH2 [1], except that half the rotational levels were missing due to the symmetry of CO2 and the spin statistics of the 16O or 18O nuclei (as in the similar case of CO2-He [2]). The CO2-paraH2 complex has a T-shaped structure with an intermolecular distance of about 3.5 Å, and the CO2 nu3 vibration exhibits a small red shift (-0.20 cm-1) in the complex. For CO2-orthoH2, more complicated spectra were observed which could not be assigned, in contrast to OCS- and N2O-H2 where the paraH2 and orthoH2 spectra were similar, though distinct.

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[1] J. Tang and A.R.W. McKellar, J. Chem. Phys. \textbf116, 646 (2002); \textbf117, 8308 (2002).

[2] M.J. Weida, J.M. Sperhac, D.J. Nesbitt, and J.M. Hutson, J. Chem. Phys. \textbf101, 8351 (1994).