
A. D. WEBB, R. N. DIXON AND M. N. R. ASHFOLD, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TS, U.K..

Ion imaging methods have been used to study the dynamics of H2/D2 elimination from H2S+/D2S+ cations following photo-excitation to the A2A1 state in the wavelength range 300< lambda<360 nm. Ground (X2B1) state parent ions were formed by 2+1 REMPI of H2S/D2S via the v=0 level of the 1A2(...2b114pb21) Rydberg state. This Rydberg state predissociates sufficiently slowly that the REMPI spectrum shows resolved rovibronic structure, thereby allowing full quantum state selectivity at this stage of the cation preparation process. Analysis of the S+ ion images following one photon excitation of the resulting H2S+/D2S+ cations reveals that these fragments are formed in their ground (4S) state, and that the H2/D2 co-fragments are formed in rotational states with either odd or even J rotational quantum number - depending on the chosen REMPI preparation wavelength. This striking specificity for forming ortho- or para-H2/D2 products can be traced to the state selectivity introduced in the REMPI preparation step. Two distinct fragmentation pathways for H2S+/D2S+(A) cations are identified. One involves non-adiabatic (Renner-Teller) coupling to the X state at near linear configurations and subsequent (spin-orbit induced) coupling to the repulsive 4A2 potential energy surface (PES) at smaller bond angles. This process operates throughout the photolysis wavelength range investigated and yields rotationally 'cool' and vibrationally 'cold' H2 products. The second shows a long wavelength threshold lambda sim335 nm, and gradually becomes dominant as the photolysis wavelength is reduced. This mechanism involves vibronically facilitated non-adiabatic transfer from the A to the B2B2 state, followed by spin-orbit induced transfer to the 4A2 PES; the resulting H2 products carry higher levels of rotational and vibrational excitation.