
NATHAN R. PILLSBURY, JAIME A. STEARNS, CHRISTIAN W. MÜLLER, ALOKE DAS, TALITHA M. SELBY AND TIMOTHY S. ZWIER, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2084.

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The close proximity of two identical ultraviolet chromophores render diphenylmethane~(DPM) an interesting case for the study of the dependence of excitonic coupling on the distortion along low-frequency large-amplitude vibrational coordinates, in particular the phenyl ring torsional coordinates present in~DPM.

We have studied the fluorescence excitation spectrum and several single vibronic level fluorescence~(SVLF) spectra of the A1B(\mathrmS1) leftarrow X1A(\mathrmS0) and the B1A(\mathrmS2) leftarrow X1A(\mathrmS0) transition of~DPM cooled in a supersonic jet.

The band in the excitation spectrum blue-shifted by~123 \mathrmcm-1 from the \mathrmS1 leftarrow \mathrmS0 origin was assigned to the \mathrmS2 leftarrow \mathrmS0 origin. Its SVLF spectrum shows two-region fluorescence reminiscent of that previously observed in the gas-phase and supersonic jet spectra of naphthalene1 and~ovalene2. The high-energy region of this \mathrmS2~00~SVLF spectrum was tentatively assigned to transitions originating in vibrationally excited levels of the \mathrmS1~state. This finding indicates the presence of efficient internal mixing of the \mathrmS2~00 level with the sparse manifold of \mathrmS1 vibronic background levels. The quantum number changes in the non-totally symmetric torsional mode~(see figure) upon internal mixing suggest that additional to the internal conversion transitions accounted for by the Jortner-Berry Delta v = \pm 1 rule higher order vibronic mechanisms3 have to be considered as well.


(1) S.~M.~Beck, D.~E.~Powers, J.~B.~Hopkins and R.~E.~Smalley, J.~Chem. Phys. , \textbf1980, 73 , 2019.
(2) A.~Amirav, U.~Even and J.~Jortner, J.~Chem. Phys. , \textbf1981, 74 , 3745.
(3) B.~Scharf, Chem. Phys. , \textbf1975, 7 , 478.