
MICHAEL L. HAUSE, TREVOR J. SEARS AND GREGORY E. HALL, Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973-5000.

We examine the collisional kinetics of the CN radical using transient hole-burning and

saturation recovery. Narrow velocity groups of individual hyperfine levels in CN are depleted

(X2 Sigma+) and excited (A2 Pi) with a saturation laser, and probed by a

counterpropagating, frequency modulated probe beam. Recovery of the unsaturated absorption is

recorded following abrupt termination of an electro optically switched pulse of saturation

light. Pressure-dependent recovery kinetics are measured for precursors, ethane dinitrile,

NCCN, and pyruvonitrile, CH3COCN, and buffer gases, helium, argon and nitrogen with rate

coefficients ranging from 0.7-2.0 x 10-9 cm3 s-1 molec-1. In the case of

NCCN, recovery kinetics are for two-level saturation resonances, where the signal observed is

a combination of X- and A-state kinetics. Similar rates occur for three-level crossover

resonances, which can be chosen to probe selectively the hole-filling in the X state or the

decay of velocity-selected A state radicals. However in the case of CH3COCN, which has a

dipole moment of 3.45 D, the X-state kinetics are faster than the A-state due to an

efficient dipole-dipole rotational energy transfer mechanism as the X-state dipole moment

is 1.5 D and the A-state dipole moment is 0.06 D. The observed recovery rates are 2-3 times

faster than the estimated rotationally inelastic contribution and are a combination of

inelastic and velocity-changing elastic collisions.

Acknowledgement: This work was carried out under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S.

Department of Energy.