Tom Dugdale Stravinsky's L'Histoire du Soldat rehearsal

Description: c.Tom Dugdale, MFA
Assistant Professor
Acting and Directing
- Department of Theatre,
614-292-5821 Office /

There will be three actors in the rehearsal plus myself as director. Miriam and Jae may join at times. We'll never have more than six people in the room. Staging is very minimal and we don't need a ton of space. But the actors will be speaking dramatic text with expression, and it would be great to have enough space to keep safe and socially distanced.
Room: WG rooms - WG 177 Lg Class/Perf
Start Time: 07:00:00pm - Tuesday 06 April 2021
Duration: 2 hours
End Time: 09:00:00pm - Tuesday 06 April 2021
Type: Crew not needed
Created By: donel.1
Last Updated: 05:51:01pm - Tuesday 23 March 2021
Repeat Type: Weekly
Repeat Day:Tuesday Thursday
Repeat End Date:Thursday 08 April 2021
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