Sarah E. Korneisel Ens rehearsal

Description: I am enrolled in MUSIC 7208.04-030 (21232): Small Ensemble - Woodwinds this semester and am wondering what I need to do to reserve a room for rehearsals. According to the room schedule for the semester, Hughes 110, Hughes 312, and Hughes 316 should all be open during our rehearsal time (Thursdays 11:30 am- 12:30 pm).
Room: X Past HU rooms - 312
Start Time: 11:30:00am - Thursday 13 April 2017
Duration: 1 hours
End Time: 12:30:00pm - Thursday 13 April 2017
Type: Crew not needed
Created By: donel.1
Last Updated: 02:52:16pm - Thursday 12 January 2017
Repeat Type: Weekly
Repeat Day:Thursday
Repeat End Date:Monday 24 April 2017
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