Audition Day

Description: 7:00AM
Check-In: One long table and two (2) chairs set up in Hughes 109
Catering: Two (2) long tables set up for catering in Hughes Auditorium
All catering is moved over to Hughes 013 by stage crew (ideally two long tables pre-set there)
Students take TPE in Hughes Auditorium
Parents & faculty head to Hughes 013 for refreshments
Hughes 109 reserved with one long table for snacks and water (this will be a kind of “home base” for the families throughout the day)
Room: X Past HU rooms - 109
Start Time: 07:00:00am - Saturday 25 January 2020
Duration: 17 hours
End Time: 12:00:00am - Sunday 26 January 2020
Type: Internal
Created By: banks.76
Last Updated: 12:59:24pm - Wednesday 22 January 2020
Repeat Type: None
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