World Music recitation Merge.

Description: I’m writing to request a room that will accommodate 40-50 students from Wednesday 10/31, from 10:20am-11:15am. Another teaching assistant and I will be merging recitation sections for world music. Maybe Hughes 109 would work, if it’s available. Let me know what you’ve got, thanks!

Sophia Enriquez
Graduate Teaching Associate-OSU School of Music
Graduate Teaching Fellow-University Center for the Advancement of Teaching
Room: Auditoria - 200WG Weigel Aud.
Start Time: 10:00:00am - Wednesday 31 October 2018
Duration: 1.5 hours
End Time: 11:30:00am - Wednesday 31 October 2018
Type: Internal
Created By: donel.1
Last Updated: 03:48:53pm - Monday 15 October 2018
Repeat Type: None
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