Planetoids pre-quiz


What is your name?

Assent Question

This survey/quiz activity is part of an OSU-led research study that is trying to figure out the impact of coding in STEM courses. Your responses to these questions are anonymous. This survey is designed to get feedback that will be used to make the activities better. In some cases survey results will be shared in an anonymous way with researchers outside of OSU. We need your permission to use your responses in this study. There is no penalty for not giving us permission to do this. If you have any questions about the study you can ask your teacher before answering this question. Note: if you give us permission to use your responses, you can still change your mind about this later.

Background Questions

What is your age?

Have you ever written or modified a computer program before?

AFCI Questions 21 and 22

Use the animations below to answer questions 1 and 2.

A rocket drifts sideways in outer space from point "a" to point "b" as shown in the animations. The rocket is subject to no outside forces. Starting at position "b", the rocket's engine is turned on and produces a constant thrust (force on the rocket) at right angles to the line "ab". The constant thrust is maintained until the rocket reaches a point "c" in space. Which animation (A through E above) best represents the path of the rocket between points "b" and "c"?

AFCI Question 21

Which animation best represents the path of the rocket between points "b" and "c"

AFCI Question 22

As the rocket moves from position "b" to position "c" its speed it:

AFCI Questions 23 and 24

Use the animations below to answer questions 3 and 4.

A rocket drifts sideways in outer space form point "a" to point "b" as shown in the animations from the previous two questions. The rocket is subject to no outside forces. Starting at position "b", the rocket's engine is turned on and produces a constant thrust (force on the rocket) at right angles to the line "ab". The constant thrust is maintained until the rocket reaches a point "c" in space. At point "c" the rocket's engine is turned off and the thrust immediately drops to zero.

AFCI Question 23

Which animation best represents the path of the rocket beyond point "c"?

AFCI Question 24

Beyond position "c" the speed of the rocket is: