CSC is the only system has a Local DAQ Farm. The Local DAQ Farm gets and processes the EMU Data from DDU (or DCC), through Fiber Gigabit Ethernet. There are two Dual-port ethernet cards in each DAQ computer, there is a Manager computer serves as data storage and user interface. The Local DAQ Farm is used to do CSC system calibration, LHC data quality check, and data taking in parallel with CMS HLT (High Level Trigger).
Local DAQ Farm meeting presentation
Local DAQ Farm Computer and Network Connection in details (NEW!!)
Local DAQ Farm Photos
Gigabit Ethernet Driver
FED connection table in PDF format
FED connection table in XLS format
As of Mar. 22, 2007, the computers are installed in SCX55. Contact Jianhui for latest status
Preliminary version finished: Mar. 25, 2007.
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