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Pulse Height Cuts

The pulse height of the signal from the analyzer can be used to differentiate the good , which will deposit a lot of energy, from , cosmic rays, or other events which deposit relatively little energy. Figure gif shows the distribution of the energy deposited in the analyzer planes which is essentially the pulse height signal from those planes.

Figure: Raw histogram of the pulse height distribution of hits in the analyzer planes of the polarimeter. The pulse height is proportional to the energy deposited in those planes.

A plot of the polar scattering angle, , versus the analyzer pulse height more clearly separates the events from all others. Figure gif shows this plot.

Figure: Polar scattering angle, , versus the analyzer pulse height. The branch labelled (A) are primarily the events while those in the box marked (B) are events, cosmic ray events, and others that deposit very little energy.

The events show a higher energy deposition in the analyzer, particularly for greater scattering angles. Most of the rest of the events have a very small pulse height regardless of the scattering angle. A cut on the data of the type defined by the box (A) in figure gif was investigated, but it was found that such a 2-d cut does not provide any better a FOM than did cuts on individual pulse height and spectra.

Michael A. Lisa
Tue Apr 1 08:52:10 EST 1997