Professor Santner's research interests are in the design of experiments, most recently in experiments that involve computer simulators as experimental platforms, either alone or in combination with a traditional physical experiment. With Brian Williams and Bill Notz, he is the co-author of the Second Edition of the book ``The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments'' on this subject (publisher Springer Verlag). With Robert Bechhofer and David Goldsman, he is co-author of a book on the design of experiments for statistical selection and screening. Professor Santner is currently working with colleagues at the Hospital for Special Surgery on projects studying the performance of bone-implant systems and on the development of biomaterials for joint restoration. This research uses a combination of computer simulator and physical system experimentation. Professor Santner is the former Director of the Department of Statistics' Consulting Service and former Department Chair.
View CV
Experiments Journal Club
"Computer experiment designs for accurate prediction," Erin R. Leatherman, Thomas Santner, and Angela Dean (2018) Statistics and Computing, 28(4), 739-751.
"Sequential Design of an Injection Molding Process Using a Calibrated Predictor," Po-Hsu Allen Chen, María G. Villarreal-Marroquín, Angela M. Dean, Thomas J. Santner, Rachmat Mulyana, Jose M. Castro (2018) Journal of Quality Technology, 50(3), 309-326.
"Sequential Pareto Minimization of Physical Systems Using Calibrated Computer Simulators," Po-Hsu Allen Chen, Thomas J. Santner, and Angela M. Dean (2018) Statistica Sinica, 28(2), 671-692.
"Designing Combined Physical and Computer Experiments to Maximize Prediction Accuracy," Erin R. Leatherman, Angela M. Dean, and Thomas J. Santner (2017) Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 113, 346-362.
"Reducing uncertainty when using knee-specific finite element models by assessing the effect of input parameters," Hongqiang Guo, Thomas J. Santner, Amy L. Lerner, and Suzanne A. Maher (2017) Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 35 (10), 2233--2242.
"Multiobjective optimization of Injection Molding using a calibrated predictor based on physical and simulated data," Maria G. Villarreal-Marroquin, Po-Hsu Chen, Rachmat Mulyana, Thomas J. Santner, Angela M. Dean, and Jose M. Castro (2017) Polymer Engineering & Science, 57 (3), 248--257.
"Using physical and simulated data to improve injection molding performance," Maria G. Villarreal-Marroquin, Po-Hsu Chen, Rachmat Mulyana, Jose M. Castro, Thomas J. Santner, and Angela M. Dean (2016) Plastics Research Online, .
"Multiobjective Optimization of Expensive Black-Box Functions via Expected Maximin Improvement," J. D. Svenson and T. J. Santner (2016) Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 94 , 250-264.
"Estimating Sensitivity Indices from Computer Simulator Output," J.D. Svenson, T.J. Santner, A. M. Dean, and Hyejung Moon (2014) Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , 144 , 160-172.
"Two-stage Sensitivity-based Group Screening in Computer Experiments,"
Hyejung Moon, A. M. Dean, T.J. Santner (2012)
"Non-collapsing Space-filling Designs for
Bounded Non-rectangular Regions,"
D. Draguljic, T.J. Santner, A.M. Dean (2012)
"Algorithms for Generating Maximin Latin Hypercube
and Orthogonal Designs,"
H.J. Moon, T.J. Santner, A.M. Dean (2011)
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice,
"Sequential Design of Computer Experiments
for Constrained Optimization,"
B.J. Williams, W.I.~Notz, and J. Lehman (2010)
Statistical Modelling and Regression Structures:
Festschrift in Honour of
Ludwig Fahrmeir,
"Simultaneous Determination of Tuning
and Calibration Parameters for Computer Experiments,"
G. Han, T.J. Santner, and J.J. Rawlinson (2009)
"Prediction for Computer Experiments
Having Quantitative and Qualitative Input Variables,"
G. Han, T. J. Santner, W.I. Notz, and
D.L. Bartel (2009)
"Local Bone Formation Due to Combined Mechanical Loading and Intermittent hPTH-(1-34) Treatment and its Correlation to Mechanical Signal Distributions," M.D. Roberts, T.J. Santner, and R.T. Hart (2009) Journal of Biomechanics, 42, 2431--2438. (pdf abstract)
"Robust Design for Acetabular Cup Stability Accounting for Patient and Surgical Variability," Kevin Ong, T. J. Santner, and Donald L. Bartel (2008) Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 130, 031001--11. (pdf abstract)
"Acetabular Cup Geometry and Bone-Implant Interference have More Influence on Initial Periprosthetic Joint Space than Joint Loading and Surgical Cup Insertion," Kevin Ong, Jeffrey Lehman, William I. Notz, Thomas J. Santner, and Donald L. Bartel, (2006) Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 148, 169-175. (pdf abstract)
"Robust Design and Analysis of Total Joint Replacements: Finite Element Model Experiments with Environmental Variables" with Paul B. Chang, Brian J. Williams, K. S. Bawa Bhalla, Thomas. W. Belknap, Thomas J. Santner, William I. Notz, Donald L. Bartel, in Jour. of Biomechanical Engineering, 123, 2001, 239-246. (pdf abstract)
"Sequential Design of Computer Experiments to Minimize Integrated Response Functions," with Brian Williams and William Notz, in Statistica Sinica, 10, 2000, 1133-1152. ( technical report)
"Robust Optimization of Total Joint Replacements Incorporating Environmental Variables," Paul B. Chang, Brian J. Williams, Thomas J. Santner, William I. Notz, and Donald L. Bartel, Jour. of Biomechanical Engineering, 121, 1999, 304-310. (pdf abstract)
"Sequential Design of Computer Experiments with Multiple Responses for Constrained Optimization," Brian J. Williams, Jeffrey S. Lehman, Thomas J. Santner, and William I. Notz, (pdf abstract)
"Selection and Screening Procedures to Determine Optimal Product Designs," G. Pan and T. Santner, Jour. Statist. Planning and Inference, 67, 311-330, 1998. (pdf abstract , bibtex reference )
"Designing Two-Factor Experiments for Selection that Allow Randomization Restrictions," G. Pan and T. Santner, Sankya, 59, 181--199, 1997. (pdf abstract, bibtex reference )
"The Use of Subset Selection in Combined Array Experiments to Determine Optimal Product or Process Designs," T. Santner and G. Pan, Advances in Statistical Decision Theory and Applications, (eds. S. Panchapakesan and N. Balakrishnan), Birkhauser, 417-430, 1997. (pdf abstract ,bibtex reference )
"Theory of Screening Procedures to Identify Robust Product Designs Using Fractional Factorial Experiments" G. Pan and T. Santner, to appear in Jour. Statist. Planning and Inference, ( pdf expanded technical report)
"The Planning and Analysis of Industrial Selection and Screening Experiments," G. Pan, T. J. Santner, and D. Goldsman, Handbook in Statistics: Industrial Experimentation, 23, 75--129, 2003. (pdf abstract; README for associated computer programs in pdf form, Windows executables of computer programs in a zip file, sources of computer programs in a gzipped tar file, bibtex reference )
"A Note on Teaching Large--Sample Binomial Confidence Intervals," Thomas Santner, Teaching Statistics, 20, 20-23, 1998. (pdf abstract, bibtex reference )
"Invariant Small Sample Confidence Intervals For The Difference Of Two Success Probabilities," Thomas Santner and Shin Yamagami, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 22, 33-59, 1993. (pdf version , FORTRAN source code, bibtex reference )
"Detecting Stage-Wise Outliers in Hierarchical Bayesian Linear Models of Repeated Measures Data," Mario Peruggia, Thomas Santner, and Yu-Yun Ho, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 56, 415-433, 2004 (pdf abstract , bibtex reference).