The Tacoma Narrows
Bridge Disaster

The first Tacoma Narrows Bridge was designed by one of the nation's best ,
it was over a half mile in length, it was massive,
and it collapsed due to moderate winds.

I gather the explantion for the collapse is still debated.
However, without question, a number of the concepts considered in
our class were at play, such as wave propagation and resonance.

The basic story (including the rescue of Tubby, the dog).

Pictures and a movie.
A ScienceNews article on the debate over the reason for the collapse.

NOVA looks at basic bridge design.
Try choosing the right bridge for the right job.


More Disasters and Physics 133

Can you take out a multi-million dollar bridge just by walking on it?
Apparently things got too close for comfort on the
Millennium Pedestrian Bridge across the Thames.

Earthquakes can excite resonances, unfortunately.
How Do Earthquakes Affect Buildings?
includes a link to the
Make A Quake Simulator.
If not buildings, how about glassware?