CHEM 1220 - Sp23

Syllabus - Video Presentation

Last Modified: Monday, 09-Jan-2023 18:19:02 EST
This material is copyrighted. Any use or reproduction is not allowed except with the expressed written permission of Dr. Zellmer. If you are taking Chem 1220 you are allowed to print one copy for your own use during the semester you are taking Chem 1220 with Dr. Zellmer. You are not allowed to disseminate this material to anyone else during the semester or in the future.
This is about an hour long. If you don't want to watch the whole thing the most important pages are 7-11. Page 7 is the lecture schedule. Pages 8-9 are very important. I discuss what we're doing for recitation (attendance and quizzes). Page 10 has the exam schedule. Page 11 is not part of the "official" syllabus. I added this page. It's in the syllabus on my personal class web page. It covers the end-of-chapter exercises (EOCE) and how to use them, the publishers solutions manual (worked-out solutions to every EOCE), the Mastering (online) homework, lecture notes and it my office hours.
  • Pages 1-9

  • Pages 10-14