Travel, Lodging & Banquet Information - Registration Form
Program - Speakers & Talks
Denison University - Mathematics Department at The Ohio State University
The XXVIIth Ohio State-Denison Mathematics
June 11-13, 2004 - The Ohio State University, Columbus,

The 27th Ohio State - Denison Mathematics Conference will be held at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. The conference is supported by the Mathematics Research Institute, Columbus, Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University-Columbus and The Ohio State University-Lima. There is no registration fee but it will be helpful if participants will fill out the online registration form in advance. Note that the deadline for submitting a talk is May 10. For the registration form, banquet information, abstracts etc, please click on the appropriate web link (on the top of this page). The Conference will have Sessions on Combinatorics, Group Theory and on Theory of Rings and Modules.
E-mail addresses of organizers
Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University
Suggestions and comments - webmaster