Plenary Speakers

Moungi Bawendi, MIT, Coblentz Award Winner
Peter Bernath, University of Waterloo
Alan Carrington, University of Southampton
Dennis Clouthier, University of Kentucky
Robert Curl, Rice University
Paul Julienne, NIST
Daniel Neumark, University of California, Berkeley

Special Sessions

Several special mini-symposia are planned for this year's meeting. Robert Curl, Rice University, and Marilyn Jacox, NIST; are organizing a session entitled "New Directions in Matrix Isolation Spectroscopy." This symposium will cover both new matrix materials, particularly hydrogen and also new approaches to matrix spectroscopy. Invited speakers will include: Takeshi Oka, University of Chicago; Kohzo Hakuta, Institute for Laser Science, Tokyo; John P. Maier, University of Basel; Markku Rasanen, University of Helsinki; and William M. Weltner, University of Florida. A second mini-symposium is being organized by Robert Field, MIT, and Jean-Marie Flaud, Université Paris on the subject of "Novel Patterns in Vibration-Rotation Spectra." The symposium will cover the spectral effects caused by the evolution of normal to local modes and the effects generated by the accessibility of bond rearrangement or isomerization. Invited speakers for this mini-symposium include: Lauri Halonen, University of Helsinki; Jean-Marie Flaud, Université Paris; Haruki Ishikawa, Tohoku University; and Reinhard Schinke, Max-Planck-Institüt, Göttingen. A session on the electronic theory of weakly bound molecules has been organized by, Russell Pitzer, Ohio State University with the invited speaker being Edward F. Hayes, Ohio State University.

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Last Update: Tue Dec 31 1996 by SIP