Published Papers from 1959 through 1950
165.Journal: Rad. Res. Supplement, Volume: 1, Pages: 491-510
Title: Electron-Spin Resonance of Free Radicals in Irradiated Biochemicals
164.Journal: J. Polymer Sci., Volume: 41, Pages: 199-211
Author: Ovenall, Derick W., 1959
163.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 116, Pages: 244-249
Title: Absorption and Dispersion of Microwaves in Flames
Author: Schneider, Jurgen, 1959
162.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 31, Pages: 566-567
Title: Millimeter Wave Spectrum and Structure of Formyl Fluoride
Author: Favero, Paolo G., 1959
161.Journal: Nature, Volume: 184, Pages: 181-182
Author: Ovenall, Derick W., 1959
160.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 114, Pages: 1534-1537
Title: Millimeter Wave Rotational Spectrum of NO in the 2π3/2 State
Author: Favero, Paolo G., 1959
159.Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume: 2, Pages: 504-505
Title: Stimulated Emission of Radiation by Relativistic Electrons in a Magnetic Field
Author: Schneider, Jurgen, 1959
158.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 30, Pages: 1590-1595
Title: Electron-Spin Resonance in an Irradiated Single Crystal of Dimethylglyoxime
Author: Miyagawa, Ichiro, 1959
157.Journal: J. Polymer Sci., Volume: 39, Pages: 21-27
Title: Electron Resonance Measurements on Radicals in Gamma-Irradiated Polydimethyl Itaconate
Author: Ovenall, Derick W., 1959
156.Journal: Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci., Volume: 45, Pages: 269-281
155.Journal: Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci., Volume: 45, Pages: 256-269
Title: Electron-Spin Resonance Studies of Radiation Damage to Certain Lipids, Hormones, and Vitamins
Author: Rexroad, Harvey N., 1959
154.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 30, Pages: 399-403
Title: Electron-Spin Resonance Studies of Irradiated Teflon: Effects of Various Gases
Author: Rexroad, Harvey N., 1959
153.Journal: Rad. Res., Volume: 9, Pages: 611-625
Title: Electron-Spin Resonance Studies of Radiation Damage to ProteinsAuthor: Gordy, Walter, 1958
152.Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume: 1, Pages: 408-409
Title: Cyclotron Resonance in Flames
Author: Schneider, Jurgen, 1958
151.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 111, Pages: 209-211
Title: Precision Measurements of Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Spectra
150.Journal: J. Phys. Chem., Volume: 62, Pages: 789-798
Title: Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Radiation Damage to Amino Acids
Author: Shields, Howard W., 1958
149.Journal: J. Phys. Chem., Volume: 62, Pages: 783-789
Title: Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Radiation damage to Peptides
Author: McCormick, C. Gene, 1958
148.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 29, Pages: 43-47
Title: Molecular-Orbital Treatment of Isotropic Hyperfine Interactions in Simple Aliphatic Radicals
Author: Chesnut, Donald B., 1958
147.Journal: Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci., Volume: 44, Pages: 613-617
Title: On the Nature of Free Radicals Detected by Paramagnetic Resonance in Biological Substances
Author: Miyagawa, Ichiro, 1958
146.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 28, Pages: 71-75
Title: Millimeter Wave Spectrum of Formic Acid
Author: Erlandsson, Gunnar, 1958
145. Conference Proceedings: Reprinted from Symposium on Information Theory In Biology, Pages: 353-356
Title: Free Radicals as a Possible Cause of Mutations and Cancer
144. Conference Proceedings: Symposium on Information Therory in Biology, Pages: 241-261
Title: Electron Spin Resonance in the Study of Radiation Damage
143.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 108, Pages: 899-900
Title: High-Temperature Molecular Beam Microwave Spectrometer
Author: Garrison, Allen K, 1957
142.Journal: Scientific American, Volume: 196, Pages: 46-53
Title: The Shortest Radio Waves
141.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 106, Pages: 513-515
Title: Submillimeter Wave Spectroscopy: Rotation-Inversion Transitions in ND3
Author: Erlandsson, Gunnar, 1957
140.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 26, Pages: 391-394
Title: Spectra of Some Symmetric-Top Molecules in the One-to-Four-Millimeter Wave Region
Author: Burrus Jr., Charles A., 1957
139.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 105, Pages: 50-55
Title: Paramagnetic Resonance of Free Radicals at Millimeter wave Frequencies
Author: van Roggen, Arend, 1957
138.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 104, Pages: 551-552
137.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 25, Pages: 778-779
Title: Millimeter-Wave Lines of Heavy Water
Author: Erlandsson, Gunnar, 1956
136.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 25, Pages: 579-580
Title: Millimeter Wave Spectrum of Formaldehyde
Author: Erlandsson, Gunnar, 1956
135.Journal: Spec. Mole., Volume: 5, Pages: 40-41
Title: Alicun Recente Applications Chimic E Biochemic del Spectroscopia Microundic
134.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 25, Pages: 379
Title: Millimeter Wave Spectrum of Formic Acid
Author: Erlandsson, Gunnar, 1956
133.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 25, Pages: 209-210
Title: Millimeter Wave Spectrum, Molecular Structure, and Dipole Moment of Hydrogen Selenide
Author: Jache, Albert W., 1956
132.Journal: J. Am. Chem. Soc., Volume: 78, Pages: 3243-3246
131.Journal: J. Am. Chem. Soc., Volume: 78, Pages: 3240-3243
Author: Luck, Clarence F., 1956
130.Journal: Nature, Volume: 117, Pages: 984-985
Title: Microwave Detection of Metallic Ions and Organic Radicals in Plant Materials
129.Journal: Rev. Sci. Instr., Volume: 27, Pages: 163-164
Title: Bolometer Detection of Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance
Author: Robinson, Hugh G., 1956
128.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 101, Pages: 1298-1300
Title: Zeeman Effect of Some Linear and Symmetric-Top Molecules
127.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 24, Pages: 439-444
Title: Electronegativities of the Elements
126.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 101, Pages: 599-602
Title: Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Spectroscopy
Author: Burrus Jr., Charles A., 1956
125.Journal: Faraday Society Discussion, Volume: 19, Pages: 263-274
Title: Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance in Solids
124.Journal: Faraday Society Discussion, Volume: 19, Pages: 52-55
Title: Millimeter Wave Spectrum of Methyl Mercury Chloride
123.Journal: The Faraday Society Discussion, Volume: 19, Pages: 14-29,
122.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 100, Pages: 1731-1734
Title: Quadrupole Spectrum of BiC13
Author: Robinson, Hugh G., 1955
121. Journal: Phys. Rev.,Volume: 100, Pages: 1726-1730,
120. Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 100, Pages: 1726-1730
Title: Microwave Spectroscopy of Biological Substances. II. Paramagnetic Resonance in X-Irradiated Carboxylic and Hydroxy Acids
Author: Lin, Chun C., 1955
Mizushima, Masataka
119.Journal: Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci., Volume: 41, Pages: 983-984
118.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 100, Pages: 1215-1216
Title: Superconductivity at Millimeter Wave Frequencies
Author: Blevins, Gilbert S., 1955
117.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 100, Pages: 742-743
Title: Magnitude of the Splitting of the Lowest Level in Chromium alum
Author: Meijer, P. H. E., 1955
116.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 23, Pages: 1967-1968
Title: Paramagnetic Resonance of Color Centers in NaNO3
115.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 99, Pages: 1905-1906
Title: Three-Millimeter Wave Radiation from the Sun
114.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 23, Pages: 1737-1738
Title: Paramagnetic Resonance of X-Irradiated Teflon-Effects of Absorbed Oxygen
113.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 99, Pages: 527-531
Title: Atomic Phosphorus Paramagnetic Resonance Experiment Employing Universal Dissociator
112.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 23, Pages: 1200-1202
Title: Methyl Alcohl. II. Molecular Structure
Author: Venkateswarlu, Putcha, 1955
111.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 23, Pages: 1195-1199
Title: Methyl Alcohol. I. Microwave Spectrum
Author: Venkateswarlu, Putcha, 1955
110.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 98, Pages: 1034-1038
Title: Zeeman Effect in the Rotational Spectrum of NO
Author: Mizushima, Masataka, 1955
109.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 23, Pages: 978-979
Title: Paramagnetic Resonance of X-Rayed Teflon
Author: Schneider, E. E.,1955.
108.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 97, Pages: 1661-1664
Title: One-to-Two Millimeter Wave Spectra of TCl and TBr
Author: Burrus Jr., Charles A.,1955
107.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 97, Pages: 1654-1660
106.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 97, Pages: 684-686
Title: Millimeter Wave Spectra of AsH3 and AsD3
105.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 97, Pages: 680-683
Title: Millimeter Wave Spectra of SbH3 and SbD3
Author: Jache, Albert E., 1955
104.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 96, Pages: 36-38
Title: Paramagnetic Resonance in Uranium Salts
103.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 22, Pages: 1718-1722
Title: Millimeter Wave Spectra and Centrifugal Stretching Constants of the Methyl Halides
Author: Orville-Thomas, W. J., 1954
102.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 95, Pages: 706-708
Title: One-to-Two Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy. V. PH33 and PD3
Author: Burrus Jr., Charles A., 1954
101.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 22, Pages: 1470-1471
Title: Relation of Nuclear Quadrupole Couplings to the Chemical Bond
100.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 95, Pages: 566-568
Title: Fermi-Dirac Degeneracy in Liquid He3 Below 1 K
Author: Fairbank, William M., 1954
99.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 22, Pages: 1267-1268
Title: The Structure of the Nitric Oxide Dimer
Author: Orville-Thomas, W.J., 1954
98.Journal: J. de Physique et le Radium, Volume: 15, Pages: 521-523
Title: Spectroscopie des Ondes de 1 a 5 mm
97.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 94, Pages: 569-574
Title: Theory of the Hyperfine Structure of NO Molecule.
Author: Mizushima, Masataka, 1954
96.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 93, Pages: 1242-1248
95.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 93, Pages: 1019-1022
Title: Zeeman Effect and Line Breadth Studies of the Microwave Lines of Oxygen
94.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 22, Pages: 511-515
Title: Nuclear Quadrupole Couplings in Solid Bromides and Iodides
Author: Robinson, Hugh G., 1954
93.Journal: Am. J. of Phys., Volume: 22, Pages: 110-120
Title: Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance
92.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 93, Pages: 897-898
Title: Submillimeter Wave Spectroscopy
Author: Burrus Jr., Charles A. , 1954
91.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 93, Pages: 745-748
Title: Microwave Spectrum of O2
Author: Mizushima, Masataka, 1954
90.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 93, Pages: 480-482
Title: Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance of Hg201
89.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 93, Pages: 419-420
Title: Spectrum of DBr in the One-Millimeter Wave Region
88.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 93, Pages: 407-412
Author: King, William C., 1954
87.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 22, Pages: 92-95
Title: Microwave Spectra and Structures of Methl Mercury Chloride and Bromide
86.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 92, Pages: 1437-1439
Title: One-to-Two Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy. III. NO and DI
Author: Burrus, Jr., Charles A., 1953
85.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 92, Pages: 1271-1272
Title: The Nuclear Spin and Quadrupole Moment of I131
Author: Livingston, Ralph, 1953
84.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 92, Pages: 1240-1241
Title: Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance of the Stable Gallium Isotopes
83.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 21, Pages: 2107-2114
Author: Mizushima, Masataka, 1953
82.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 92, Pages: 274-277
Title: One-to-Two Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy. II. H2S
Author: Burrus Jr., Charles A., 1953
81.Journal: Phys Rev., Volume: 92, Pages: 208-209
Title: Temperature Dependence of the nuclear Susceptibility of He3 Between 1.2 K and 4.2 K
80.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 21, Pages: 1713-1715
Title: Microwave Spectrum and Molecular Structure of Trichloro Germane
79.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 21, Pages: 1710-1713
Title: Microwave Spectra and Molecular Structures of HSiCl3, CH3SiC13, and (CH3)3SiC1
Author: Mockler, Richard C., 1953
78.Journal: J. de Chimie Physique, Volume: 50, Pages: 114-115
Title: Spectre Ultra-Hertzien de la Vapeur d'Eau
77.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 91, Pages: 313-314
Title: Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance in Rhombic Sulfur and the Quadrupole Moments of S33and S35
76.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 21, Pages: 1222-1224
Title: Theory of the Rotational Spectra of Allene-Type Molecules
Author: Mizushima, Masataka, 1953
75.Journal: J. Chem Phys., Volume: 21, Pages: 851-855
Title: The Molecular Structure, Dipole Moment, and g Factor of Ozone from Its Microwave Spectrum
Author: Trambarulo, Ralph, 1953
74.Journal: Phy. Rev., Volume: 90, Pages: 319-320
Title: One to Two Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy. I.
73.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 21, Pages: 705-709
Author: Mizushima, Masataka, 1953
72.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 89, Pages: 1305-1306
Title: Pure Nuclear Quadrupole Spectrum of Bi209 in Bismuth-Triphenyl
Author: Robinson, Hugh G., 1953
71.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 21, Pages: 539-541
Title: Theory of the Stark Effect of Asymmetric Rotator with Hyperfine Structure
Author: Mizushima, Masataka, 1953
70. Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 21, Pages: 380-381
Title: Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance in Some Metal Chlorides and Oxchlorides
69.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 21, Pages: 308-310
Title: Electric Dipole Moments of Several Molecules from the Stark Effect
68.Journal: Physics Today, Volume: 5, Pages: 5
67.Journal: N.Y. Academy of Science, Volume: 55, Pages: 744-788
Title: Microwave Spectroscopy above 60 KMc
66.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 20, Pages: 1524-1525
Title: Molecular Structure of Bromoform
Author: Williams, Quitman, 1952
65.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 87, Pages: 561-568
Title: Line-Breadths of the Microwave Spectrum of Oxygen
Author: Anderson, Roy S., 1952
64.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 20, Pages: 735-738
63.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 20, Pages: 605-607
Title: Microwave Spectra and Molecular Structures of Fluoroform, Chloroform, and Methyl Chloroform
62.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 20, Pages: 591-595
Title: The Microwave Spectra and Molecular Structures of Trifluromethyl Bromide, Iodine, and Cyanide
61.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 20, Pages: 164-167
Title: Microwave Spectra and Molecular Structure of POF3, PSF3, POCl3, and PSCl3
Author: Williams, Quitman, 1952
60.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 84, Pages: 1178-1180
Title: Microwave Spectroscopy in the Region from Two to Three Millimeters. II.
Author: Johnson, Charles M., 1951
59. Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 19, Pages: 1298-1300
Title: Molecular Quadrupole Moments of N2 and O2
Author: Greenhow, Charles, 1951
58. Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 83, Pages: 1249-1250
Title: On the Spin and Quadrupole Moment of Cl36
Author: Johnson, Charles M., 1951
57. Journal: Phys. Rev., Issue: 1062, Pages: 1061-1062
Title: Resonant Absorption of Oxygen at 2.5-Millimeter Wavelength
Author: Anderson, Roy S., 1951
56.Journal: J. Chem Phys., Volume: 19, Pages: 1181-1182
Title: Paramagnetic Resonance Absorption of Microwaves
55.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 19, Pages: 965-970
Title: The Microwave Spectra and Molecular Structures of Trifluorosilane Derivatives
54.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 19, Issue: 793, Pages: 792-793
Title: Interpretation of Nuclear Quadrupole Coupings in Molecules
53.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 82, Issue: 452, Pages: 451-452
Title: Microwave Collision Diameters and Associated Quadrupole Moments
52.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 82, Pages: 264-265
Title: Line Breadths of the Fine Structure of the Microwave Spectrum of Oxygen
Author: Anderson, Roy S., 1951
50.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 82, Pages: 58-60
Title: The Microwave Spectrum and Molecular Constants of Trifluromethyl Acetylene
Author: Anderson, Wallace E., 1951
51.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 19, Pages: 502-503
Title: The Structure and Dipole Moment of SO2from Microwave Spectra
Author: Crable, George F., 1951
49.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 81, Pages: 819-821
Title: Microwave Spectrum and Molecular Structure of GeF3Cl
Author: Anderson, Wallace E., 1951
48.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 18, Pages: 1613-1616
Title: The Microwave Spectrum and Structure of Methyl Acetylene
Author: Trambarulo, Ralph, 1950
47.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 80, Issue: 342, Pages: 338-342
Author: Simmons, James W., 1950
46.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 79, Issue: 655, Pages: 651-655
Title: The Fine Structure of the Microwave Absorption Spectrum of Oxygen
Author: Burkhalter, James H., 1950
45.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 79, Issue: 515, Pages: 513-515
44.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 79, Issue: 136, Pages: 132-136
Title: Microwave Collision Diameters II. Theory and Correlation with Molecular Quadrupole Moments
Author: Smith, William V., 1950
43.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 79, Pages: 128-131
Title: Microwave Collision Diameter I. Experimental
Author: Howard, Raydeen R., 1950
42.Journal: J. Chem Phys., Volume: 18, Pages: 994-995
Title: Microwave Spectra and Molecular Constants of Tertiary Butyl Chloride, Bromide, and Iodide
Author: Williams, Joel Q., 1950
41.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 79, Pages: 54-56
Title: Microwave Spectra and Molecular Structures of Methyl Cyanide and Methyl Isocyanide
40.Journal: Phys Rev., Volume: 78, Pages: 512-517
39.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 78, Issue: 144, Pages: 140-144
Title: Microwave Spectroscopy in the Region from Two to Three Millimeters
38.Journal: J. Chem Phys., Volume: 18, Pages: 565-566
Title: Microwave Determination of the Structure of Chloroform
Author: Unterberger, Robert R., 1950
37.Journal: Phys. Rev.,Volume: 77, Pages: 840-841
Title: Temperature Dependence of Microwave Line Widths
36.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 77, Issue: 720, Pages: 719-720
35.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 77, Issue: 293, Pages: 292-293
Title: Interatomic Distances in CF3Br, CF3I, and CF3CN
34.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 77, Pages: 152-153
Title: A Preliminary Report on the Fine Structure of the Microwave Absorption Spectrum of Oxygen
Author: Burkhalter, James H., 1950
33.Journal: Phys. Rev., Volume: 77, Issue: 79, Pages: 77-79
Title: Microwave Spectrum and Molecular Constants of Hydrogen Cyanide