Publications from 2010 through Present
574. Journal: Optical Engineering, Volume: 51 Issue: 9 Article Number: 091604
Author: Petkie, Douglas T.; Holt, Jennifer A.; Patrick, Mark A.; et al.
573. Journal: Journal Of Molecular Spectroscopy, Volume 280, Pages: 11-20
Author: Fortman, Sarah M.; McMillan, James P.; Neese, Christopher F.; et al.
572. Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision, Volume 29, Issue 12, Pages 2643-2656
Title: "Elimination of speckle and target orientation requirements in millimeter-wave active imaging by modulated multimode mixing illumination"
Author: Patrick, Mark A.; Holt, Jennifer A.; Joye, Colin D.; et al
571. Journal: IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume 12, Pages 2565-2574
Author: Neese, CF (Neese, Christopher F.); Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, Ivan R.); Plummer, GM (Plummer, Grant M.); Frank, AJ (Frank, Aaron J.);
Ball, CD (Ball, Christopher D.); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.)
570. Journal: Physical Review A, Volume 85, Article Number 052507
Title: "Infrared-terahertz double-resonance spectroscopy of CH3F and CH3Cl at atmospheric pressure"
Author: Phillips, DJ (Phillips, Dane J.); Tanner, EA (Tanner, Elizabeth A.); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.); Everitt, HO (Everitt, Henry O.)
569. Journal: Astrophysical Journal, Volume 737, Article Number 20
Author: Fortman, SM (Fortman, Sarah M.); Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, Ivan R.); Neese, CF (Neese, Christopher F.); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.)
568. Journal: Applied Optics, Volume 50, Pages 3028-3042
Title: "Impact of atmospheric clutter on Doppler-limited gas sensors in the submillimeter/terahertz"
Author: Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, Ivan R.); Neese, CF (Neese, Christopher F.); Plummer, GM (Plummer, Grant M.); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.)
567. Journal: Molecular Universe, IAU Symposium Proceedings Series, Pages 431-439
Title: "How Can We Use Complete Experimental Catalogs in the Complex Spectra Limit?"
Author: De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.); Fortman, SM (Fortman, Sarah M.); Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, Ivan R.); Neese, CF (Neese, Christopher F.)
566. Journal: Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 725, Pages L11-L14
Title: "How Complete are Astrophysical Catalogs for the Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectral Region?"
Author: Fortman, SM (Fortman, Sarah M.); Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, Ivan R.); Neese, CF (Neese, Christopher F.); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.)
565. Journal: Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, Volume 263, Pages 145-149
Title: "The microwave and far infrared spectra of acetaldehyde-d(1)"
Author: Elkeurti, M (Elkeurti, M.); Coudert, LH (Coudert, L. H.); Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, I. R.); Maeda, A (Maeda, A.); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, F. C.); McKellar, ARW (McKellar, A. R. W.); Moazzen-Ahmadi, N (Moazzen-Ahmadi, N.); Appadoo, D (Appadoo, D.); Toumi, S (Toumi, S.)
564. Journal: Astrophysical Journal, Volume 725, Pages 1682-1687
Author: Fortman, SM (Fortman, Sarah M.); Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, Ivan R.); Neese, CF (Neese, Christopher F.); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.)
563. Journal: Terahertz Physics, Devices, and Systems IV: Advanced Applications in Industry And Defense, Volume 7671, Article Number 76710F
Author: Phillips, DJ (Phillips, Dane J.); Tanner, EA (Tanner, Elizabeth A.); Everitt, HO (Everitt, Henry O.); Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, Ivan R.); Neese, CF (Neese, Christopher F.); Holt, J (Holt, Jennifer); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.)
562. Journal: Astrophysical Journal, Volume 714, Pages 476-486
Author: Fortman, SM (Fortman, Sarah M.); Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, Ivan R.); Neese, CF (Neese, Christopher F.); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.)
561. Journal: Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 493, Pages 212-215
Title: "Three-dimensional rotational spectroscopy in the submillimeter"
Author: Fortman, SM (Fortman, Sarah M.); Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, Ivan R.); Neese, CF (Neese, Christopher F.); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.)
560. Journal: Optics Letters, Volume 35, Pages 1533-1535
Title: "Submillimeter spectroscopy for chemical analysis with absolute specificity"
Author: Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, Ivan R.); Neese, CF (Neese, Christopher F.); Plummer, GM (Plummer, Grant M.); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.)
559. Journal: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 12, Pages 8158-8189
Title: "Analysis of the FASSST rotational spectrum of NCNCS in view of quantum monodromy"
Author: Winnewisser, BP (Winnewisser, Brenda P.); Winnewisser, M (Winnewisser, Manfred); Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, Ivan R.); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.); Ross, SC (Ross, Stephen C.); Koput, J (Koput, Jacek)
558. Journal: Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, Volume 261, Pages 129-135
Author: Petkie, DT (Petkie, Douglas T.); Helminger, P (Helminger, Paul); Medvedev, IR (Medvedev, Ivan R.); De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.)
557. Journal: Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, Volume 261, Pages 1-17
Title: "The submillimeter: A spectroscopist's view"
Author: De Lucia, FC (De Lucia, Frank C.)