Biological Motion & Event Perception | |
Mark, L. S. & Todd, J. T. (1985). Describing perceptual information about human growth in terms of geometric invariants. Perception and Psychophysics, 3, 249 256. |
Todd, J. T. (1983). The perception of gait. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 9, 31 42. |
Mark, L. E., & Todd, J. T. (1983). The perception of growth in three dimensions. Perception and Psychophysics, 33, 193 196. |
Pittenger, J. B. & Todd, J. T. (1983). Perception of growth from changes in body proportions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 9, 945 954. |
Todd, J. T., & Warren, W. H. (1982). Visual perception of relative mass in dynamic events. Perception, 11, 325 335. |
Mark, L. S., Todd, J. T., & Shaw, R. E. (1981). Perception of growth: A geometric analysis of how different styles of change are distinguished. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 7, 855 868. |
Todd, J. T. (1981). Visual information about moving objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 7, 795 810. |
Todd, J. T., & Mark, L. S. (1981). Issues related to the prediction of craniofacial growth. American Journal of Orthodontics, 79, 63 80. |
Todd, J.T., Mark, L.S., Shaw, R.E., & Pittenger, J.B.(1980). The perception of human growth. Scientific American, 242, 132-144. |
Geometry of Visual Space | |
Koenderink, J. J., van Doorn, A. J. & Todd, J. T. (2008). Wide distribution of external local sign in the normal population. Psychological Research, 72, DOI: 10.1007/s00426-008-0145-7. |
Koenderink, J. J., van Doorn, A. J., Kappers, A. M. L., Doumen, M. J. & Todd, J. T. (2008) Exocentric pointing in depth. Vision Research, 48, 716-723. |
Bingham, G. P., Crowell, J. A., & Todd, J. T. (2004). Distortions of distance and shape are not produced by a single continuous transformation of reach space. Perception & Psychophysics, 66 (1), 152-169 |
Koenderink, J. J., van Doorn, A. J., Kappers, A. M. L. & Todd, J. T. (2002) Pappus in optical space. Perception & Psychophysics, 64, 380-391. |
Todd, J. T., Oomes, A. H. J., Koenderink, J. J. & Kappers, A. M. L. (2001) On the affine structure of perceptual space. Psychological Science, 12, 191-196. |
Todd, J. T., Chen, L., Norman, J. F. (1998) On the relative salience of euclidean, affine and topological structure for 3D form discrimination. Perception, 27, 273-282. |
Motion perception | |
Thaler, L., Todd, J. T., Spering, M. & Gegenfurtner, K. (2007) Illusory Bending of a Rigidly Moving Line Segment: Effects of Image motion and Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements. Journal of Vision, 7(6)9, 1-13. |
Lindsey, D. T. & Todd, J. T. (1996) The perception of transparency in moving plaids. Vision Research, 36, 207-222. |
Norman, H. F., Norman, J. F., Todd, J. T., & Lindsey, D. T. (1996) Spatial interactions in perceived velocity. Perception, 26, 815-831. |
Todd, J. T., & Norman, J. F. (1995) The visual discrimination of 3D angles. Perception, 24, 855-866. |
Mingolla, E., Todd, J.T., & Norman, J.F. (1992). The perception of globally coherent motion. Vision Research, 32, 1015-1032 |
Neuroimaging | |
Georgieva, S. G., Todd J. T., Peeters, R. and Guy A. Orban, G. A. (2008) The extraction of 3D shape from texture and shading in the human brain. Cerebral Cortex, 18, 2416– 2438. |
Durand, J. B., Nelissen, K., Joly, O., Wardak, C., Todd, J. T, Norman, J. F., Janssen, P., Vanduffel, W. & Orban, G. A. (2007) Anterior Regions of Monkey Parietal Cortex Process Visual 3D Shape. Neuron, 55, 493–505. |
Orban, G. A., Claeys, K., Nelissen, K., Smans, R., Sunaert, S., Todd, J. T., Wardak, C., and Vanduffel, W. (2006) Mapping the parietal cortex of human and non-human primates. Neuropsychologia, 44, 2646-2667. |
Peuskens, H., Claeys, K. G., Todd, J. T., Norman, J. F., Van Hecke, P. & Orban, G. A. (2004) Attention to 3-D Shape, 3-D Motion, and Texture in 3-D Structure from Motion Displays. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16:4, 665-682. |
Orban, G. A., Fize, D., Peuskins, H., Denys, K., Nelissen, K., Sunaert, S., Todd, J. T. & Vanduffel, W., (2003) Similarities and differences in motion processing between the human and macaque brain: Evidence from fMRI. Neuropsychologia, 13, 1757-1768. |
Vanduffel, W., Fize, D., Peuskins, H., Denys, K., Sunaert, S., Todd, J. T. & Orban, G. A. (2002) Extracting the third dimension from motion: Differences in Human and monkey intraparietal cortex. Science, 298, 413-415. |
Orban, G. A., Sunaert, S., Todd, J. T., Van Hecke, P. & Marchal, G. (1999) Human cortical regions involved in extracting depth-from-motion. Neuron, 24, 929-940. |
Perception of Local Surface Properties | |
Norman, J. F., Todd, J. T., Norman, H., Clayton, A. M. & McBride, T. R. (2006) Visual discrimination of local surface structure: Slant, tilt and curvedness. Vision Research, 46, 1057-1069. |
Phillips, F., Todd, J. T., Konderink, J. J. & Kappers, A. M. L. (2003) Perceptual representation of visible surfaces. Perception & Psychophysics, 65, 747-762. |
Norman, J. F. & Todd, J. T. (1998) The discrimination of interval and ordinal depth relations on smoothly curved surfaces. Perception, 27, 257-272. |
Koenderink, J. J., van Doorn, A. J., Kappers, A. M. L. & Todd, J. T. (1997) The visual contour in depth. Perception & Psychophysics, 59, 828-838. |
Phillips, F., Todd, J. T., Koenderink, J. J. & Kappers, A. M. L. (1997) Perceptual localization of surface position. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 23, 1481-1492. |
Norman, J. F. & Todd, J. T. (1996) The discriminability of local surface structure. Perception, 25, 381-398. |
Phillips, F., & Todd, J. T. (1996) The visual perception of local shape. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22, 930-944. |
Reichel, F. D., Todd, J.T., Yilmaz, E., (1995) Visual discrimination of local surface depth and orientation. Perception & Psychophysics, 57, 1233-1240. |
Todd, J. T. & Norman, J. F. (1995) The effects of spatio-temporal integration on maximum displacement thresholds in the detection of coherent motion, Vision Research, 35, 2287-2302. |
Todd, J.T., & Reichel, F. D. (1990). The visual perception of smoothly curved surfaces from double projected contour patterns. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 16, 665-674. |
Todd, J.T., & Reichel, F. D. (1989). Ordinal structure in the visual perception and cognition of smoothly curved surfaces. Psychological Review, 96, 643-657. |
Reviews | |
Todd, J. T. (2007) On the internal consistency of perceptual organization. In M. A. Peterson, B. Gillam & H. A. Sedgwick (Eds.) In the Minds's Eye: Julian Hochberg on the Perception of Pictures, Film, and the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 531-538. |
Todd, J. T. (2004) The visual perception of 3D shape. TRENDS in Cognitive Science, 8:3, 115-121. |
Todd, J. T. & Norman, J. F. (2003) The perception of 3D shape from multiple cues: Are observers capable of perceiving metric structure? Perception & Psychophysics, 65, 31-47. |
Todd, J. T. (1998) Theoretical and biological limitations on the visual perception of three-dimensional structure from motion. In T. Watanabe (Ed.) High-level motion processing- computational, neurophysiological and psychophysical perspectives. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, pp 359-380. |
Todd, J. T. (1995) The visual perception of three-dimensional structure from motion. In W. Epstein & S. J. Rogers (Eds.) Handbook of perception and cognition, Volume 5: Perception of space and motion. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. pp. 201-226. |
Todd, J. T., Tittle, J. S., & Norman, J. F. (1995) Distortions of 3-dimensional space in the perceptual analysis of motion and stereo. Perception, 24, 75-87. |
Shape from Multiple Cues | |
Norman, J. F., Todd, J. T., Norman, H., Clayton, A. M. & McBride, T. R. (2006) Visual discrimination of local surface structure: Slant, tilt and curvedness. Vision Research, 46, 1057-1069. |
Norman, J. F., Todd, J. T. & Orban, G. A. (2004) Perception of Three-Dimensional Shape From Specular Highlights, Deformations of Shading, and Other Types of Visual Information. Psychological Science, 15, 565-570. |
Todd, J. T. & Norman, J. F. (2003) The perception of 3D shape from multiple cues: Are observers capable of perceiving metric structure? Perception & Psychophysics, 65, 31-47. |
Todd, J. T., Norman, J. F., Koenderink, J. J. & Kappers, A. M. L. (1997) Effects of texture, illumination and surface reflectance on stereoscopic shape perception. Perception, 26, 806-822. |
Todd, J. T., Koenderink, J. J., van Doorn, A. J., & Kappers, A. M. L. (1996) Effects of changing viewing conditions on the perceived structure of smoothly curved surfaces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22, 695-706. |
Norman, J. F., & Todd, J. T. (1995) Perception of 3-dimensional structure from contradictory optical patterns. Perception & Psychophysics, 57, 826-834. |
Norman, J. F., Todd, J. T., & Phillips, F. (1995) The perception of surface orientation from multiple sources of optical information. Perception & Psychophysics, 57, 629-636. |
Tittle, J. S., Todd, J. T., Perotti, V. J., & Norman, J. F. (1995) The systematic distortion of perceived 3D structure from motion and binocular stereopsis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 21, 663-678. |
Shape from Shading | |
Koenderink, J. J., Pont, S. C., van Doorn, A. J., Kappers, A. M. L. & Todd, J. T. (2007). The visual light field. Perception, 36. |
Liu, B. & Todd, J. T. (2004) Perceptual Biases in the Interpretation of 3D Shape from Shading. Vision Research, 44, 2135-2145. |
Norman, J. F., Todd, J. T. & Orban, G. A. (2004) Perception of Three-Dimensional Shape From Specular Highlights, Deformations of Shading, and Other Types of Visual Information. Psychological Science, 15, 565-570. |
Todd, J. T., Norman, J. F., & Mingolla, E. (2004) Lightness Constancy in the Presence of Specular Highlights. Psychological Science, 15:1, 33-39. |
Koenderink, J. J., van Doorn, A. J., Kappers, A. M. L. & Todd, J. T. (2001) Ambiguity and the "Mental Eye" in pictorial relief. Perception, 30, 431-448. |
Todd, J. T., Koenderink, J. J., van Doorn, A. J., & Kappers, A. M. L. (1996) Effects of changing viewing conditions on the perceived structure of smoothly curved surfaces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22, 695-706. |
Reichel, F. D., & Todd, J.T. (1990). Perceived depth inversion of smoothly curved surfaces due to image orientation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 16, 653-664. |
Todd, J.T., & Reichel, F. D. (1989). Ordinal structure in the visual perception and cognition of smoothly curved surfaces. Psychological Review, 96, 643-657. |
Mingolla, E. & Todd, J. T. (1986). Perception of solid shape from shading. Biological Cybernetics, 53, 137-151. |
Todd, J. T., & Mingolla, E. (1983). The perception of surface curvature and direction of illumination from patterns of shading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 9, 583 595. |
Shape from Stereo | |
Norman, J. F. & Todd, J. T. (1998) The discrimination of interval and ordinal depth relations on smoothly curved surfaces. Perception, 27, 257-272. |
Norman, J. F., Todd, J. T., Perotti, V. J. & Tittle, J. S. (1996) The visual perception of 3D length. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22, 173-186. |
Akerstrom, R. A., & Todd, J.T. (1988). Perception of stereoscopic transparency. Perception & Psychophysics, 44, 421-432. |
Shape from Texture | |
Thaler, L., Todd, J. T. & Dijkstra, T. M. H.(2007) The effects of phase on the perception of 3D shape from texture: Psychophysics and modeling. Vision Research, 47, 411-427. |
Todd, J. T., Thaler, L., Dijkstra, T. M. H., Koenderink, J. J. & Kappers, A. M. L. (2007). The effects of viewing angle, camera angle and sign of surface curvature on the perception of 3D shape from texture. Journal of Vision, 7(12)9, 1-16. |
Todd, J. T., Thaler, L. & Dijkstra, T. M. H. (2005) The effects of field of view on the perception of 3D slant from texture. Vision Research, 45, 1501-1517. |
Todd, J. T., Oomes, A. H., Koenderink, J. J., Kappers, A. M. L. (2004) The Perception of Doubly Curved Surfaces From Anisotropic Textures. Psychological Science, 15:1, 40-46. |
Todd, J. T. & Oomes, A. H. J. (2002) Generic and Nongeneric conditions for the perception of surface shape from texture, Vision Research, 42, 837-850. |
Todd, J.T., & Reichel, F. D. (1990). The visual perception of smoothly curved surfaces from double projected contour patterns. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 16, 665-674. |
Reichel, F. D., & Todd, J.T. (1990). Perceived depth inversion of smoothly curved surfaces due to image orientation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 16, 653-664. |
Todd. J. T., & Akerstrom, R. A. (1987). The perception of three dimensional form from patterns of optical texture. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2, 242-255. |
Todd, J. T., & Mingolla, E. (1984). The simulation of curved surfaces from patterns of optical texture. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 10, 734 739. |
Structure from Motion | |
Todd, J. T. & Perotti, V. J. (1999) The visual perception of surface orientation from optical motion. Perception & Psychophysics, 61, 1577-1589. |
Todd, J. T. (1998) Theoretical and biological limitations on the visual perception of three-dimensional structure from motion. In T. Watanabe (Ed.) High-level motion processing- computational, neurophysiological and psychophysical perspectives. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, pp 359-380. |
Perotti, V. J., Todd, J. T., Lappin, J. S. & Phillips, F. (1998) The perception of surface curvature from optical motion. Perception & Psychophysics, 60, 377-388. |
Perotti, V. J., Todd, J. T. & Norman, J. F. (1996) The visual perception of rigid motion from constant flow fields. Perception & Psychophysics, 58, 666-679. |
Todd, J. T. (1995) The visual perception of three-dimensional structure from motion. In W. Epstein & S. J. Rogers (Eds.) Handbook of perception and cognition, Volume 5: Perception of space and motion. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. pp. 201-226. |
Tittle, J. S., Todd, J. T., Perotti, V. J., & Norman, J. F. (1995) The systematic distortion of perceived 3D structure from motion and binocular stereopsis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 21, 663-678. |
Norman, J. F. & Todd, J. T. (1994) The perception of rigid motion in depth from the optical deformations of shadows and occlusion boundaries. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 20, 343-356. |
Norman, J.F., & Todd, J.T. (1993) The perceptual analysis of structure from motion for rotating objects undergoing affine stretching transformations. Perception & Psychophysics, 53, 279-291. |
Todd, J.T., & Norman, J.F. (1991). The visual perception of smoothly curved surfaces from minimal apparent motion sequences. Perception & Psychophysics, 50, 509-523. |
Todd, J.T., & Bressan, P. (1990). The perception of 3-dimensional affine structure from minimal apparent motion sequences. Perception & Psychophysics, 48, 419-430. |
Todd, J. T. (1985). The perception of structure from motion: Is projective correspondence of moving elements a necessary condition? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 11, 689 710. |
Todd, J. T. (1984). The perception of three dimensional structure from rigid and nonrigid motion. Perception and Psychophysics, 36, 97 103. |
Todd, J. T. (1982). Visual information about rigid and nonrigid motion: A geometric analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 8, 238 251. |