Trivedi Group

Arlington Park Elementary 2010

Comments from the fifth grade kids

“I loved spending time with Onur, Eric and Teresa.”

“I was surprised when your friends came in. It was fun with Mr. Onur. I love when he taught me gule gule and Mohabo.”

“Thanks for bringing the guests.”

“Onur, Eric and Teresa were fun to meet.”

“Thank you for bringing Ms. Teresa, Eric and Onur. I really enjoyed when Onur came. When we had to make egg holders so that the eggs wouldn’t crack. When Eric came, I liked looking at the refraction ‘grades’ ”

“You’ve made me a better student in science, I love it now”

“I enjoyed myself when those people came.”

“I liked it when Onur came. It was awesome to meet somebody from across the ocean. Especially someone from a country called Turkey. Also I remember how to say gule gule in Turkey which means good bye.”

“Every question you answered inspired me to make more scientific problems.”

“I am starting to like science more than what I used to. You make science fun.”

“Maybe when I grow up I’m going to tell my kids…about building an electromagnet”

“I’m going to ace science in middle school!”

“My favorite two experiments are the ones we did with Eric and Onur. They were awesome.”