Courses Taught:

Course Title Level Dates & Syllabi
Ohio State
ECON 4001.02 Intermediate Micro w/ Calculus Undergraduate F13, F15, F16
ECON 4050 Experimental Economics Undergraduate W09
ECON 8714 Micro Theory IV: Mechanism Design PhD S07, S08, S09, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14
ECON 8817 Game Theory PhD F13, F15, F16
ECON 8891.01 Theory/Experimental Workshop (Seminar) PhD S08, S09, S14, F15
ECON 8891.03 Theory Colloquium (Reading Group) PhD M07, M08, M09, M10, M11, F12, S14, F15
Carnegie Mellon
47-800 Micro I: Supply & Demand PhD F05
47-801 Micro II: Gen. Equil. PhD F05, F06
47-865/817 Game Theory PhD F05, F06
73-390 Behavioral Economics Undergraduate S06
ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics Undergraduate M00
Key: F=Fall W=Winter S=Spring M=Summer

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