Hello! I build solutions for difficult natural language processing problems and am excited to chat about how we can advance your projects together!
Research Areas
My recent research focuses on coreference resolution and cognitive computational modelling with incremental parsing. I also have experience with dialogue systems, paraphrase detection, distributed semantics, and multiword expressions.
- Coreference Information Predicts Brain Response. Evan Jaffe, Byung-Doh Oh, William Schuler. Findings of Empirical Methods of Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2021. In press.
- Coreference Information Guides Human Expectations During Natural Reading. Evan Jaffe, Cory Shain, William Schuler. Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), 2020. [paper]
- Coreference and Focus in Reading Times. Evan Jaffe, Cory Shain, William Schler. Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL), co-located with LSA Annual Meeting, 2018. [paper] [slides]
- Combining Pattern-matching and CNNs for Question Identification in a Virtual Patient Dialogue System. Lifeng Jin, Michael White, Evan Jaffe, Doug Danforth, Laura Ackermann. 12th Workshop on Building Educational Applications (BEA), 2017.[paper]
- A Corpus of Word-Aligned Paraphrases and Non-paraphrases in a Virtual Patient Dialogue System. Ajda Gocken, Evan Jaffe, Johnsey Erdmann, Mike White, Douglas Danforth. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 2016. [paper] [poster]
- Interpreting Questions with a Log Linear Ranking Model in a Virtual Patient Dialogue System. Evan Jaffe, Michael White, William Schuler, Eric Fosler-Lussier, Alex Rosenfeld, Douglas Danforth. Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA), 2015.[paper] [poster]
- Azmat: Sentence Similarity using Associative Matrices. Evan Jaffe, Lifeng Jin, Marten Van Schijndel, David King. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), 2015., 2015.[paper] [poster]
Oral Presentations
- The Role of Learnability in Morphological Change: A Computational Approach. Evan Jaffe, Byung-doh Oh. The Fourth American International Morphology Meeting (AIMM4), 2019.[abstract] [slides]
- Coreference and Discourse Focus in Broad-Coverage Stimuli Evan Jaffe, Cory Shain, William Schuler. CUNY Sentence Processing, UC Davis, 2018. [abstract] [poster]
- What Does Coreference Cost? Regressing Reading Times to Coreference-based Predictors Midwest Cognitive Science Conference, 2017. [slides]
- Syntactically Trained Word Vectors. Midwest Computational Linguistics Colloquium, 2016. [slides]
- A Distributed Semantic Model of Multiword Expressions (MWEs). Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences Member Retreat, 2014. [slides]
- Analyzing Working Memory Constraints in a Head-final Language. The Ohio State Linguistics Colloquium Fest, 2013. [slides]
- The Role of Coreference Resolution in Memory- and Expectation-based Models of Human Sentence Processing. 2021. Advisor: William Schuler. Committee: Michael White, Micha Elsner.
Grants and Awards
- 2014-2019: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Awardee
- 2014: Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences (CCBS) Summer Grant
- 2013-2014: Graduate Research Assistantship (w/ Michael White)
- 2012-2013: University Fellowship
Other Projects
- Question Answering Using Product Reviews [paper]
- Attention and Working Memory for Processing Center-Embedded Sentences
- Generalized Categorial Grammar (w/ William Schuler)
Informal Presentations
- Toward a Better Image Captioning Metric and 'Morpheme' embeddings in Japanese. Clippers Computational Linguistics Group. 2016. [slides]
- Virtual Patients: Question Matching. Clippers Computational Linguistics Group, OSU. 2014.
- Automated MWE Extraction using Dependency Chains. Clippers Computational Linguistics Group, OSU. 2013.
- Catenae: A Novel Unit of Syntactic Analysis. Paper discussion in Synners Syntax Group, OSU. 2013.
- Unix Tutorial. Department of Linguistics Technology Committee, OSU. 2013.
- Mental-State Verb Acquisition. Lacqueys Language Acquisition Group, OSU. 2013.
- AU2018 - LING 3802: Language and Computers [syllabus]
- SP2015 - LING3701/PSYCH3371: Language and Mind
- AU2014 - LING1100: Basics of Language for Language Learners
Activities and Service
- Denman Undergraduate Research Forum Judge, 2015.
- NACLO: North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad. Area volunteer.