Published Papers from 1979 through 1970
347. Journal: J. Mol.Spectroscopy, Volume: 76, Pages: 131-141
Title: Millimeter-Wave Spectrum, Centrifugal Distortion Analysis Energy Levels of HNOH3
Author: Cazzoli, Gabriele 1979
346.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 70, Pages: 263-269
Title: Centrifugal Distortion Analysis of the Ground Vibrational States of H217O and H218O
345.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 69, Pages: 473-481
Title: Forbidden Millimeter-Wave Transitions in Arsine
344.Journal: Science/Technology and The Humanities Vol. I, Volume: 1, Pages: 13-17
Title: The Molecular Languages 1978
343.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 67, Pages: 4262-4267
Title: Millimeter Spectroscopy of Active Laser Plasmas; the Excited Vibrational States of HCN
Author: De Lucia, Frank C. 1977
342.Journal: Appl. Phys. Lett., Volume: 31, Pages: 606-608
Title: The Study of Laser Processes by Millimeter and Submillimeter Microwave Spectroscopy
Author: De Lucia, Frank C. 1977
341.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 66, Pages: 206-218
Title: Forbidden Rotational Spectra of Symmetric-Top Molecules: PH33 aand PD3
340.Journal: Can J. Phys., Volume: 55, Pages: 1115-1123
Title: Extension of High-Resolution Beam Maser Spectroscopy into the Submillimeter Wave Region
Author: Garvey, R. Michael 1977
339.Journal: J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, Volume: 17, Pages: 751-754
Title: Pressure Broadening of Hydrogen Sulfide
338.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 65, Pages: 330-331
Title: Centrifugal Distortion in Water and Hydrogen Sulfide
Author: Garvey, R. Michael 1977
337.Journal: Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci, Volume: 74, Pages: 216-220
336.Journal: Molecular Spectroscopy, Modern Research, Vol. II, Volume: 2, Pages: 73-92
Title: Millimeter and Submillimeter-wave Spectroscopy
Author: De Lucia, Frank C. 1977
335.Journal: Phys. Rev. A15, Volume: 15, Issue: 226, Pages: 223-226
Title: Millimeter Spectrum and Molecular Constants of Silicon Monoxide
Author: Manson Jr., E. Lowry 1977
334.Journal: Chemicke Listy, Volume: 70, Pages: 1244-1260
Title: Far Infrared Spectroscopy with Microwave Techniques
333.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 60, Pages: 332-342
Author: Clark, William W. 1976
332.Journal: J. Mol. Struct., Volume: 32, Pages: 29-36
Title: Microwave Spectrum and Substitutional Structure of CH2DF
Author: Clark, William W. 1976
331.Journal: Mol. Phys., Volume: 31, Pages: 265-287
Author: Garvey, R. Michael 1976
330.Journal: IEEE, Volume: 25, Pages: 76-78
329.Journal: Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci., Volume: 72, Pages: 3486-3490
Author: Hadley Jr., Joseph H., 1975
328.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 58, Pages: 375-383
Title: The Ground State Rotationl Spectrum of H2Se: Weighted Microwave-Infrared Analysis
327.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 63, Pages: 2724-2726
Title: Millimeter-Wave Spectrum and Molecular Constants of Cuprous Bromide
Author: Manson, E. Lowry, 1975
326.Journal: J. Mol. Struct., Volume: 28, Pages: 237-246
Title: Molecular Force Field and Structure of Hydrogen Sulfide: Recent Microwave Results
325.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 62, Pages: 4796-4798
Title: Millimeter- and Submillimeter-Wave Spectrum and Molecular Constants of Cuprous Iodide
Author: Manson, E. Lowry, 1975
324.Journal: Nuovo Cimento, Volume: 26, Pages: 243-262
323.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 56, Pages: 138-145
Title: Microwave Spectrum and Ground State Energy Levels of H217. O
Author: De Lucia, Frank C., 1975
322.Journal: Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci., Volume: 72, Pages: 974-978
Author: Johnson, G. Allan, 1975
321.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 55, Pages: 271-277
Author: De Lucia, Frank C., 1975
320.Journal: Phys. Rev. A11, Volume: 11, Pages: 729-731
Title: Microwave Spectrum and Molecular Constants of 16O18 O
Author: Steinbach, Wayne, 1975
319.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 62, Pages: 1040-1043
Title: Millimeter -and Submillimeter-Wave Spectrum and Molecular Constants of Cuprous Chloride
Author: Manson, E. Lowry, 1975
318.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 54, Pages: 200-214
Author: De Lucia, Frank C. , 1975
317.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 61, Pages: 4726-4732
Author: Nelson, William H., 1974
316.Journal: Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci., Volume: 71, Pages: 4409-4412
Author: Joseph H. Hadley, Jr., 1974
315.Journal: Phys. Rev. A10, Volume: 10, Pages: 1072-1081
Title: Millimeter-and Submillimeter-Wavelength Spectra and Molecular Constants of HTO and DTO
314.Journal: Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci., Volume: 71, Pages: 3106-3110
Author: Hadley Jr., Joseph H., 1974
313.Journal: Phys. Lett. 49A, Volume: 49, Pages: 161-162
Title: The Microwave Stark Effect in Oxygen
Author: Gustafson, Steven, 1974
312.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 53, Pages: 62-76
Title: Molecular Force Field and Structure of Water: Recent Microwave Results
311.Journal: IL Nuovo Cimento 22B, Volume: 22, Pages: 1-12
Title: Spin-lattice Relaxation Time of Conduction Electrons in Alkali Metals: Sodium
310.Journal: J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 3, Volume: 3, Pages: 211-219
Title: Microwave Spectra of Molecules of Astrophysical Interest V. Water Vapor
Author: De Lucia, Frank C., 1974
309.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 50, Pages: 38-44
Title: Nuclear Shielding and Magnetic Hyperfine Structure of Hydrogen Cyanide
Author: Garvey, R. Michael, 1974
307.Journal: Phys. Rev. A9, Volume: 9, Pages: 12-16
Title: Microwave Rotation-Inversion Spectrum of NT3
308.Journal: Molecular Physics, Volume: 26, Pages: 1555-1559
Title: Electron Spin Resonance and Bond Structure of H2CN
306.Journal: Phys. Rev. A8, Volume: 8, Pages: 2785-2791
Title: Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Spectrum and Molecular Constants of T2O
Author: De Lucia, Frank C., 1973
305.Journal: Phys. Rev. A8, Volume: 8, Pages: 1753-1758
Title: Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Spectrum of 18O2
Author: Steinbach, Wayne, 1973
304.Journal: J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 2, Volume: 2, Pages: 215-224
Title: Microwave Spectra of Molecules of Astrophysical Interest. IV. Hydrogen Sulfide
303.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 58, Pages: 5181-5182
Title: Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy, g Factor and Molecular Quadrupole Moment of HCN
Author: Gustafson, Steven, 1973
302.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc, Volume: 46, Pages: 276-284
Title: The Centrifugal Distortion Constants of Disulfur Monoxide
301.Journal: Phys. Rev. A6, Volume: 6, Pages: 1324-1326
Title: Submillimeter Microwave Spectrum of H218O
Author: De Lucia, Frank C., 1972
300.Journal: J. Chem. Phys, Volume: 57, Pages: 1106-1108
Title: Millimeter Wave Rotational Spectrum and Molecular Constants of 31P14. N
299.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 56, Pages: 4581-4584
Title: Microwave Spectrum and Centrifugal Distortion Effects of H2S
298.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 56, Pages: 2967-2979
Title: Millimeter Wave Rotational Spectrum of HSSH and DSSD. IV. P, Q, and R Branches of HSSH
Author: Winnewisser, Gisbert, 1972
297.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 56, Pages: 2954-2966
Title: Millimeter Wave Rotational Spectrum of HSSH and DSSD. III. Q Branches of DSSD
Author: Winnewisser, Gisbert, 1972
297a. Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 56, Pages: 2944-2954
Author: Winnewisser, Gisbert, 1972
296.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 56, Pages: 2130-2136
Title: Millimeter Wave Rotational Spectra of AlCl, AlBr, and AlI
295.Journal: Phys. Rev. A5, Volume: 5, Pages: 487-490
Title: Submillimeter Microwave Spectrum of H216. O
Author: De Lucia, Frank C., 1972
294.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 41, Pages: 123-136
293.Journal: Am. J. Phys., Volume: 39, Pages: 1433-1454
Title: Application of the Theory of Irreducible Tensor Operators to Molecular Hyperfine Structure
292.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 55, Pages: 5329-5333
Title: Observations of Triplet State Radicals in Irradiated Single Crystals of Carbazide
291.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 55, Pages: 5334-5339
Author: De Lucia, Frank C., 1971
290.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 40, Pages: 52-58
Title: Hyperfine Spectra and Molecular Constants of D2S
Author: De Lucia, Frank C., 1971
289.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 40, Pages: 125-136
Title: Microwave Spectrum and Centrifugal Distortion Effects of HDS
288.Journal: Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci., Volume: 68, Pages: 2008-2010
Title: Electron Spin Resonance of an Irradiated Single Crystal of 5-Chlorouridine
287.Journal: J. Mol. Spectrosc., Volume: 39, Pages: 94-97
Title: Rotational Spectra of NH3 and ND3 in the 0.5-mm Wavelength Region
286.Journal: Submillimeter Waves, Volume: 20, Pages: 99-114
Title: Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Molecular Beam Masers
Author: De Lucia, Frank C., 1971
285.Journal: Phys. Rev. A3, Volume 3, Pages: 1849-1857
Title: Submillimeter-Wave Spectra and Equilibrium Structures of the Hydrogen Halides
Author: De Lucia, Frank C., 1971
284.Journal: Phys. Rev. A3, Volume: 3, Pages: 122-126
Title: Microwave Spectra and Molecular Constants of Arsine and Stibine
Author: Helminger, Paul;, 1971
283.Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume: 25, Pages: 1397-1399
Title: Extension of Microwave Absorption Spectroscopy to 0.37-mm Wavelength
282.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 53, Pages: 2525-2528
Title: Microwave Spectrum and Structure of Chlorine Azide
281.Journal: Phys. Lett. 32A, Volume: 32, Pages: 219-220
Title: High-Precision Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy with the Lamb Dip
280.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 52, Pages: 4572-4578
Title: Electron Spin Resonance of Trapped PF2 and Pf3 Radicals
Author: Nelson, William H., 1970
279.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 52, Pages: 3887-3889
Title: Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Spectrum and Molecular Constants of Aluminum Monofluoride
278.Journal: J. Chem. Phys., Volume: 52, Pages: 579-580
Title: The Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy of CO and CS