Quantum Field Theory I

Physics 8808.01, Autumn 2012

Instructor: Yuri Kovchegov

Office: M2042 Physics Research Bldg

Office Hours: stop by anytime

Course Meets: Tuesdays, Thursdays 11:10 am - 12:30 pm, Scott Lab, room E0245.

Grader: Douglas Wertepny , PRB M2041

*** First Class Meets August 23, 2012 ***

*** There will be no class September 11 (Tuesday) and 13 (Thursday), 2012 - I will be out of town ***

*** There will be a makeup class Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 10:00 am - 11:45 am (final exam slot) in the usual class meeting room***

Brief Syllabus (for both semesters):


Recommended Reading :

Here's a list of books to complement Peskin and Schroeder. The books are listed in the order of increasing difficulty (more or less). An excellent source on Group theory for particle and nuclear physicists:

Lecture Notes:

These are the notes from when I taught this class last year, they may be updated as we go through the course.

Homework Assignments:

Homeworks are due at 5 pm on the due date. Please put them in either my or the grader's mailboxes in PRB or give them to me in class or give them to the grader in his office, which is directly across from mine (or slide them under my office door if other options are not available).
(Solutions are password protected, they are for the use of OSU students and faculty only: if you are an OSU student or a faculty member and are interested in accessing them please write to me.)

Grading will be based on the HW's.

Yuri Kovchegov