Electromagnetic Field Theory II

(including Analytic and Numeric Methods of Physics)

Physics 7401, Spring 2016

Instructor: Yuri Kovchegov

Office: M2042 Physics Research Bldg

Office Hours: stop by anytime

Course Meets: TuTh 10:20 - 11:40 am, Smith Lab 1138.

Grader: Shaun Hampton (office: PRB M2025)

Tutor: Douglas Wertepny, office hours: Wed, Fri, 3pm-4pm, PRB M2015

*** First Class Meets Tuesday, January 12, 2016 ***

*** There will be no class Tuesday, February 9 - I will be out of town ***


Autumn Semester

Spring Semester

Textbooks (E&M):

Each of the following books adequately covers most of the material that we will study in class (though with some minor variations in the order of the topics). Choose whichever one works better for you. None is as comprehensive as Jackson though. Zangwill has some good modern examples. We will mainly follow Landau & Lifshitz order of topics for the first half of the Autumn semester.

Recommended Reading (E&M):

Here are several references which may come in handy as well:

Recommended Reading (Mathematical Methods):

For the Math Methods side of the class you may want to use the following resources:

Lecture Notes:

These are the notes for the course, I plan to post them shortly after each lecture.

Homework Assignments:

Homeworks are due at 11:59 pm on the due date. You may give them to the grader or to me, slide them under my or the grader's office doors, or put them in either the grader's or my mailboxes in PRB. Homeworks submitted late are penalized -10 pts. The cutoff for late HW submissions is 5 pm on the day after the HW is due.
(Solutions are password protected, they are for the use of OSU students and faculty only, please write to me if you are interested in accessing them.)

Exams: Midterm - March 8, 2016, in class (10:20 am - 12:20 pm).
Final - Tuesday, May 3, 9:30-11:30am, Smith 1138.

Grading: 30% HW, 30% Midterm, 40% Final

Yuri Kovchegov